A Http Flood or SYN attack also both known as DoS attacks can not be Stopped. They can however be prevented by making sure your IP is correctly hidden. You can use tools such as Cloudflare to protect your IP address from being resolved, and tools like HTTP Proxies to use on your webpage to hide the IP address. While most people who send DoS attacks do not know how to decrypt an IP address from a proxy it is tricky but possible. Your real IP, when using a proxy, is just hidden by lots of packets. Decrypting all these packets will eventually lead you to the right IP. So to sum it all up, Make sure that you are using something like cloudflare (which is free) and purchase some proxies to use on your webpage.Is there anyway of fixing those above ?
I have now solved this with another server which make the CMS IP fully hidden, Thank you thoughWhen an HTTP attack happens, go to CloudFlare > CloudFlare settings > Security Settings > then switch High mode or Medium mode to "I'm under attack" mode then it should stop.