Lol anyone who uses that host is stupid. You have no control, and can only edit what they give you permission to edit. I have used it, and its stupid. You pay for them to advertise their company. Kids like you provide them with money $$ to scam more kidsAhh, sorry. I would help, but I cannot.
BUT wait a second, I have a CMS, SWF and everything but I cannot confirm it works - It is new UI
Thank you. I will contact you on Skype during the dayI would also do it for free, I own a hotel and an RP. I don't need the money.
- PM me, I can do it.
HI, I just added u on SkypeIll set you up your retro, latest emu for free.
Unlike some people on this forum, I Don't do it for the money.
Contact me on skype, or private message me.