Has any retro ever been threatened by Sulake to close voluntarily?


Jul 21, 2015
Title is pretty blunt. Is it true or false that many retros in the past have been sent "threats" if you want to call them that, that if they don't comply and shutdown their services that Sulake would be willing to take legal action in order to have it forcibly closed and possible charges brought to the owner? @BrandonM :rolleyes:


Aug 4, 2015

Might wanna take a look at these and maybe you can find a conclusion to your question. Hope I helped.
Last edited:


Oct 18, 2016
Title is pretty blunt. Is it true or false that many retros in the past have been sent "threats" if you want to call them that, that if they don't comply and shutdown their services that Sulake would be willing to take legal action in order to have it forcibly closed and possible charges brought to the owner? @BrandonM :rolleyes:
As mentioned in the last comment in the first link @Velaskia provided, if you're using CloudFlare you probably shouldn't even own s retro, not only because DMCA's, but because lack of security experience.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
As mentioned in the last comment in the first link @Velaskia provided, if you're using CloudFlare you probably shouldn't even own s retro, not only because DMCA's, but because lack of security experience.

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Tons of people use Cloudflare, the $20 version is a pretty nice way of keeping your website secure. The main reason people use it is because it's a free HTTP proxy; it hides that IP!


Oct 18, 2016
Tons of people use Cloudflare, the $20 version is a pretty nice way of keeping your website secure. The main reason people use it is because it's a free HTTP proxy; it hides that IP!
If you know enough about computer and website security, you will know that CF is just an overrated company. They don't even provide a simple honeypot for their DDoS Protection, neither filtering of IPs amongst other stuff, that companies like Bitninja, Sucuri and Incapsula provide.

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Aug 4, 2015
If you know enough about computer and website security, you will know that CF is just an overrated company. They don't even provide a simple honeypot for their DDoS Protection, neither filtering of IPs amongst other stuff, that companies like Bitninja, Sucuri and Incapsula provide.

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You can filter IP's in Cloudflare matey.


big tits
Apr 3, 2013
Sulake doesn't seem to be doing as much as they used to. Back in 2013, they were trying to shut down retros left and right. Habplus for example shut down – I'm not sure if they put up a fight or not with Sulake – but in the end they shut down. Boon, Fresh and probably a few other hotels (I'm guessing) are still online today. Sulake hasn't done anything successful to them as of now. In my opinion, Habbo itself is only big today because of the movement of Retros, I think it'd be a mistake to try and take down any hotel.


Jul 21, 2015
Thanks for proving my point. @BrandonM seems to be ignorant of the fact that dozens and dozens of retros have been threatened by Sulake throughout the years, mostly 2011-2013 as far as I can recall. He was saying that Sulake has NEVER done such a thing haha. Embarressed just like I said mate. Anywho thanks for making the obvious clear fellas, much appreciated.
Feb 27, 2013
Hey numnuts,

Just to clear things up I never said that. You came on my hotel claiming that retros "don't make money". Then you went on about how Sulake was going to sue me or some shit. What I said was that Sulake has better things to do then shut my hotel down or even start a lawsuit. Besides, if retros "don't make money" then what business does Sulake have taking me to court?


Not to mention you started asking how much money I make which was absolutely none of your business. But hey, if you want your answer here it is. Just a quick google search away:

So next time your ignorant ass goes around making false accusations, how about you listen and not open your damn mouth.


Jul 21, 2015
Hey numnuts,

Just to clear things up I never said that. You came on my hotel claiming that retros "don't make money". Then you went on about how Sulake was going to sue me or some shit. What I said was that Sulake has better things to do then shut my hotel down or even start a lawsuit. Besides, if retros "don't make money" then what business does Sulake have taking me to court?


Not to mention you started asking how much money I make which was absolutely none of your business. But hey, if you want your answer here it is. Just a quick google search away:

So next time your ignorant ass goes around making false accusations, how about you listen and not open your damn mouth.
I wouldn't show the rest of the chatlogs either, but clearly you're stating Sulake doesn't sue retros. I also like how you said I told you that your retro was going to be sued, where are those specific chatlogs? :oops:

You changed your standing on the question very quickly once I posted this thread. Cute how you get cold feet when you realize you're wrong.

Seeing as you have the chatlogs from 2 days ago still, how about you show: (bet you won't though because RIP your image you wanna keep)
- Me stating that retros don't make money (only recall saying that tiny retros with barely 30-40 users aren't making much profit)
- Me stating a false accusation.
- You saying that Sulake has never sued a retro ever before.
- You boasting about how your hotel's "success" and "profit"

I did give you some information on how your hotel isn't unique in comparison to other hotel's that have been around much longer and make enough profit to pay for the hotel itself + put money in their pockets. I did ask for your profit because every time you typed something it was a boastful statement and I was curious to see how full of crap you were, because you're not making any money from barely 200 votes a day, statistically half of that play actively and stay. So out of 100 votes in 24 hours, you're making tons of money?

Anyway, I'd get defensive too if after getting immature you began to contradict yourself, make up bullshit and get defensive when I don't take the bluff because it's obviously a lie. You're free to not give me logs of your income from the hotel, but if you're going to brag about it and then make up excuses as to why you won't show it then you're just a wanna-be. It's one thing to say something with backing, but another when you're just talking so that you don't look bad in front of your friends.

Your screenshots prove nothing except that you said Sulake doesn't sue retros, never has threatened them. Goodjob. :p
I got an e-mail from Cloudflare who suspended my old domain 2 years ago. That's about it.
Exactly what happened to Pandora in 2011/2012 when me and Daniel got reported by someone butthurt. We closed and told the users to goto Obbo, we had a steady 200-300 users which wasn't that good for a hotel back then. @BrandonM is upset because he said I've never owned a retro, he would be right if he meant recently though.
Feb 27, 2013
Alright well after this I'm done with this argument. You're providing 0 evidence for your claims and at this point can say whatever you'd like to believe to be true. As for the chat logs, unfortunately I can only show what 1 users is saying at a time from my housekeeping. I'm sure this will suffice anyone who wants to see that you're an ignorant kid who just won't accept the fact that sometimes he might be wrong.

- You stating that retros don't make money (only recall saying that tiny retros with barely 30-40 users aren't making much profit but you said a lot more than just that. What I assessed was that only boon can make money?)

I don't care what you meant by this, but you state "there's no benefit to owning a retro in 2016" and then "ur not gonna make any money from 30 daily users". Can you do us all a favor and tell us the golden number of users you need to make money since you seem to be such an expert?

- You stating a false accusation.

Who did you give a reality check to? You don't even have your facts in check...

- Me saying that Sulake has never sued a retro ever before.
I'd love to show you this but I never said that? Instead I think this is what you're talking about...

But if you can show me a court summon or even some CLAIM to be summoned by Sulake then by all means I'll admit I was wrong? A threat to take action and taking action are completely different things. Sulake won't have a multinational legal case over a DMCA Violation and that's fact.
- You boasting about how your hotel's "success" and "profit"
Was I passively boasting or were you just begging to know how much I make for fun?

As for boasting, is this what you're talking about?


Jul 21, 2015
Anything I say is a fact, because I don't talk out of my ass. I won't say something if I'm not sure it's accurate. If I give an opinion and am proven wrong, I'll gladly admit my wrongs but you're not gonna get anywhere if you get mad and deny the truth. That's just petty.

Im not quoting your post bc too lazy to highlight every error you're making.
- Where did I say Boon is the only retro making money?
- What's the golden number for making money? Not 30 daily users who're probably not donating tbh.

You asked me how come Hobba isn't successful and I brought up Rise's retarded ass twitter/fashion company system as a comparison because they've created some stupid ass little community where all these RP'ers won't leave that hotel because your hotel's not offering anything better. They will always be making profit off of something nobody else has, that's called stability.

Show you proof of Sulake sueing a retro? You realize that being threatened with a DMCA violation will eventually result in not only the closing of said illegally copyrighted private server but also legal charges right? Why hasn't it occurred before? Because nobody's ignorant enough to ignore it and still continue the server. The only idiot who's been dealing with it is probably Muscab and I don't have a clue how he hasn't been charged. Maybe they just can't/won't, who knows. After talking about Boon being sued ages ago, you also said that hotels have never been threatened by Sulake to close. The next day after I posted this thread, you changed your mind and said that "Threatening to close/charge a retro is different than a legitimate charge".

Another thing in relevance to being charged, you understand that when Sulake contacts your provider (cloudfare or any other hosting service you're being provided that they find out about) will be contacted and they usually get threatened before you do. I believe that if they don't follow through and close down said site that they're hosting that they'll probably be charged for hosting it respectfully.

Your hotel's enticement is that it's "Casino Based" haha, the moment your economy goes downhill all your users are gone. All... 30 of them RIP.
Thanks for calling me an expert but it's just common sense, you don't seem to have that though.

I would of probably showed some chatlogs of you being a dumbass but I got hit with the "Stop ruining my image and reputation among my friends" treatment:

I bet you're making so much money from 14 users online on a Sunday (PST/EST time) aka the busiest time for all English retros. Grats on your great success. ;) And cute ban reason, very creative, personally not as good as Muscab's messages though. Just another area you're lacking in.

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