Goodbye DevBest


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
December 29, 2019

To whom it may concern,

It is with great dismay that I have decided to leave this forum. To the majority of you, this may come as an appreciable achievement, and some of you may even be cheerful at my hard and emotionally exhausting decision, but I'm writing it for myself, and not for other's amusement.

In the Summer of 2013, I joined Devbest because of a Google search, in the hope of gaining knowledge about programming and web development – but at what a price? From shoutbox “debates”, abusive staff members, members bullying other members, and lack of moderation (one could go as far to even say that there's a lack of care within the staff team), I've concluded that the community that I've associated myself with is virulent and toxic, and that being on it is counter-productive to what my aforementioned goals were.

Over the course of 6 months, I've witnessed many things on this forum, some good and some bad. I've learned a lot about a range of things, including myself, but mostly I have come to the conclusion that I will get nowhere while I'm surrounded by a niche of people who have clearly adapted a mindset and form their opinions solely to advance in an imaginary ladder that marks their social status within the board, or members who are so overly-opinionated that they are willing to bully other members for the sake of debate.

That being said, I see no future for Devbest unless there's a huge change. It's my hope that people who are reading this and agree will leave as well. By the time that you'll be reading this letter, I will have deleted most of my content and found some way to cleverly get myself perma-banned, so I won't be tempted to come back.

I wish all of you a good life and opportunity to expand your knowledge in a safe and enjoyable manner.



fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
I'm a little disappointed considering I was excited to see the syadmin subforum grow and learn from it, and I doubt it'll happen without your smarts.

Nevertheless, I'm glad you're doing something that you feel will help you push yourself to grow further as an individual.
I wish you goodluck in whatever you do !

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