Hii again !! Ive coded a generator furnis and i know exists some generators actually but the difference is you can choose the productdata and then configure with tie item name automatically. Written in C#.
The moment have for Plus and Arcturus. SQLs (catalog_pages, catalog_items, furniture and furnidata).
Is very easy to use so any questions let me know!
Quickly tutorial:
1 -> Put the files (.swf) on folder swfs
2 -> Execute the executable console.
3 -> Configure the initial item id (ps: if you configure 1 they start on next number -> 2), page id, parent id, page name, etc...
The sqls are in the sqls directory.
NOTE: If you want change productdata please delete the file productdata (extras/).
PS: There will probably be some errors in the sql query (I used the following):
plus -> INSERT INTO `catalog_items` (id, page_id, item_id, catalog_name, cost_credits, cost_diamonds) VALUES (" + itemId+ ", " + pageId + ", " + itemId+ ", '" + itemName + "', 3, 0);
arcturus -> INSERT INTO `catalog_items` VALUES ('" + itemId+ "', '" + itemId+ "', '" + pageId + "', '-1', '0', '99', '" + itemName + "' ,'10', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '', '1', '0', 'none');
plus -> INSERT INTO `furniture` (`id`, `item_name`, `public_name`, `type`, `width`, `length`, `stack_height`, `can_stack`, `can_sit`, `is_walkable`, `sprite_id`, `allow_recycle`, `allow_trade`, `allow_marketplace_sell`, `allow_gift`, `allow_inventory_stack`, `interaction_type`, `interaction_modes_count`, `vending_ids`, `height_adjustable`, `effect_id`, `wired_id`, `is_rare`, `clothing_id`, `extra_rot`) VALUES (" + itemId+ ", '" + swfName + "', '" + itemName + "', 's', 1, 1, 0, '1', '0', '0', " + itemId+ ", '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'default', 1, '0', '0', 0, 0, '0', 0, '0');
arcturus -> INSERT INTO `items_base` VALUES ('" + itemId+ "', '" + itemId+ "', '" + swfName + "', '" + itemName + "', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 's', 'default', '0', '0','0','0','0','0','0');
Snaiker (Pollak)
The moment have for Plus and Arcturus. SQLs (catalog_pages, catalog_items, furniture and furnidata).
Is very easy to use so any questions let me know!
Quickly tutorial:
1 -> Put the files (.swf) on folder swfs
2 -> Execute the executable console.
3 -> Configure the initial item id (ps: if you configure 1 they start on next number -> 2), page id, parent id, page name, etc...
The sqls are in the sqls directory.
NOTE: If you want change productdata please delete the file productdata (extras/).
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PS: There will probably be some errors in the sql query (I used the following):
plus -> INSERT INTO `catalog_items` (id, page_id, item_id, catalog_name, cost_credits, cost_diamonds) VALUES (" + itemId+ ", " + pageId + ", " + itemId+ ", '" + itemName + "', 3, 0);
arcturus -> INSERT INTO `catalog_items` VALUES ('" + itemId+ "', '" + itemId+ "', '" + pageId + "', '-1', '0', '99', '" + itemName + "' ,'10', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '', '1', '0', 'none');
plus -> INSERT INTO `furniture` (`id`, `item_name`, `public_name`, `type`, `width`, `length`, `stack_height`, `can_stack`, `can_sit`, `is_walkable`, `sprite_id`, `allow_recycle`, `allow_trade`, `allow_marketplace_sell`, `allow_gift`, `allow_inventory_stack`, `interaction_type`, `interaction_modes_count`, `vending_ids`, `height_adjustable`, `effect_id`, `wired_id`, `is_rare`, `clothing_id`, `extra_rot`) VALUES (" + itemId+ ", '" + swfName + "', '" + itemName + "', 's', 1, 1, 0, '1', '0', '0', " + itemId+ ", '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'default', 1, '0', '0', 0, 0, '0', 0, '0');
arcturus -> INSERT INTO `items_base` VALUES ('" + itemId+ "', '" + itemId+ "', '" + swfName + "', '" + itemName + "', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 's', 'default', '0', '0','0','0','0','0','0');
Snaiker (Pollak)
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