[DEBATE] Protect IP - How do you feel?


Posting Freak
Jul 7, 2010
The Protect IP bill allows congress to blacklist sites in America, creating a China-like Regime.
More Information:

How do you feel about this bill?


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
As I stated before, I feel that this is a horrible idea. The internet is the only place that is truly open and free at the moment, and such a bill is just a disgrace to the Internet, and all the possibilities that it holds. But then again, what do you expect; politicians are out of touch with the world.

But then again, you also have to question the people who are electing these people. The other issue is that people will elect a politician, and from there on they don't follow up on his/her actions, and share their voice on the matter.


Posting Freak
Jul 7, 2010
I agree, and with that being said, nominate Rasta for Congress.


DevBest CEO
May 28, 2011
This is called dictating the flow of things. They want us to think we are free but we are not. We are arrested for speaking out against their ideology, we are labelled a terrorist if we do not publicly agree to their values and we scrutinised if we try and mention their wrongs. The only media in the world that is truly free is the internet and if that's gone, freedom of speech goes too.

All this begs the question of who really elects these idiots. Us or them?

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