Community Event: Survival Games (Minecraft) #1 - Free Upgrade Prizes

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fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
This Saturday (May 17), at 6PM GMT (1PM EST), DevBest will be hosting a community event. This event will consist of three Survival Games matches in Minecraft (on ). Each Survival Games winner will receive a free upgrade of their choice (excluding High Roller) for a month. If all goes well, this will become a monthly event, whether it be just Survival Games, or expand to other games.

How will I join the game?
You will join "", click the "Survival Games" villager, and select the "Server 1".

What do I need to join?

You will need a premium Minecraft account in order to join.

Will you be in Mumble (VoIP)?
Yes! It is encouraged that you join Mumble ( before the event, and remain in there during it. However, it's not required that you do so.

Will you be participating? Let us know!
Feel free to post in if you'll be playing, although it's not required, it'd be nice to know who's going to show up.

I'd also like to thank @iRyno for the original idea.
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