[CMS] HabboPHP Admin Translation

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Helping noobs since 1996
Feb 17, 2012
Just relasing what I've translated for it. However, I ain't gonna offer support for HabboPHP as it's a bit of effort but it's pretty nub proof. However, there isn't a English back end translation so here it is.

    "Yes" => "Yes",
    "Back" => "Back",
    "No" => "No",
    "Help" => "Help",
    "Administration" => "Administration",
    "Home" => "Home",
    "Users" => "Users",
    "Website" => "Site",
    "Form" => "Form",
    "Save" => "Save",
    "Forms" => "Forms",
    "ErrorToken" => "Token code is wrong or empty. Refresh the page.",
    "MailConfig" => "Mail Configuration",
    "WebsiteTitleInformations" => "Change the entire site &eacute; content here,&eacute;s, news&eacute;, twitter and facebook",
    "PostNews" => "Post news",
    "ManageNews" => "Mange News",
    "Ads" => "Advertisements",
    "SocialNetwork" => "Social Networks",
    "PostNewsSubTitle" => "News Sub Text",
    "ChooseImage" => "Chose image",
    "UploadImage" => "Upload image",
    "Title" => "Title",
    "ShortDesc" => "Short description",
    "ShortDescInfo" => "A short sentance&eacute;to introduce your news.",
    "Content" => "Content",
    "SendMyNews" => "Submit News",
    "Date" => "Date",
    "Options" => "Options",
    "Delete" => "Submit",
    "Edit" => "Edit",
    "LetInputEmptyToDesactivate" => "Empty field to&eacute;disable",
    "AdsCode" => "Code HTML",
    "Example" => "Example",
    "Update" => "Update",
    "Desactivate" => "De-Activeate",
    "UpdateShort" => "Update",
    "WhereIsTwitter" => "The Twitter plugin is located on the homepage.<br /><a href=\"https://twitter.com/signup\">Join twitter here.",
    "WhereIsFacebook" => "Everything that happens on your facebook page will be displayed&eacute; in \"Communaut&eacute;\".<br /><a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php\">Create your page here.</a>",
    "WhereIsDisqus" => "These are the comments about your news<br /><a href=\"http://disqus.com/admin/register/\">Join here.</a>",
    "TwitterPlaceHolder" => "Twitter Name",
    "FacebookPlaceHolder" => "Facebook Name",
    "DisqusPlaceHolder" => "Disqus Name",
    "Server" => "Server",
    "ServerInfos" => "Se the information for your server here&agrave; blocked words etc..",
    "ServerConfig" => "Server Conection Info",
    "BannedWords" => "Baned Words",
    "Maintenance" => "Maintenance",
    "BannedWord" => "Band Word",
    "Replacement" => "Replacement",
    "Strict" => "Strict",
    "Options" => "Options",
    "NoWordsNow" => "No more word for the moment",
    "ReplaceBy" => "Replace",
    "Add" => "Add",
    "MaintenanceInfo" => "Use this to disable the entire site for users.",
    "Activate" => "Activate",
    "Desactivate" => "Deactivate",
    "Error" => "Error, please refresh the page.",
    "NeedImage" => "It needs an image.",
    "NeedTitle" => "It needs a title.",
    "NeedShortDesc" => "It needs a short description.",
    "NeedContent" => "The news content cannot be empty.",
    "RealyDelete" => "Are you sure you want delete?",
    "Loading" => "Please wait..",
    "LoadingNewsInfo" => "Your news is being posted.<br/>Please wait..",
    "Cancel" => "Cancel",
    "Confirm" => "Confirm",
    "NewsWillBeDelete" => "The news<b>d&eacute;wil defiantly</b> be deleted&eacute;e !",
    "HelpIPEmu" => "Ip address on which the EMU is hosted",
    "HelpTexts" => "Link to full texts.",
    "HelpVars" => "Link to full vars",
    "HelpSWF" => "Link to Main .SWF",
    "MaintenanceStatus" => "Maintenance mode has been changed.",
    "Close" => "Cancel",
    "ModificationOKTitle" => "Thats it!",
    "ModificationOK" => "This chance has been logged.",
    "FacebookConnect" => "Facebook Connect",
    "AppIDInfo" => "",
    "AppSecretInfo" => "",
    "Profil" => "Profil",
    "FindUsersToManage" => "Search for user to edit.",
    "Username" => "Username",
    "Mail" => "Email",
    "Rank" => "Rank",
    "Rank1" => "User",
    "Rank2" => "VIP",
    "Rank3" => "eXpert",
    "Rank4" => "Trial Moderator",
    "Rank5" => "Moderator",
    "Rank6" => "Super Moderator",
    "Rank7" => "Administrator",
    "Rank8" => "Founder",
    "LastIP" => "Last IP",
    "RegisterIP" => "Registration IP",
    "LastOnline" => "Last Online",
    "BanUser" => "Ban User?",
    "BanIP" => "Ban IP?",
    "Ban" => "Ban?",
    "Shop" => "Shop",
    "ConfigMoney" => "Currency Configuration",
    "MoneyName" => "Name of Currency?",
    "AmountOfMoneyAfterBuy" => "Amount?",
    "PaiementMethods" => "Payment Method",
    "Statistics" => "Stats",
    "StarpassAccount" => "Starpass Account",
    "StarpassDocument" => "Starpass Document?",
    "PaypalPricePerBuy" => "Paypal Price",
    "PaypalInfoPriceUseDot" => "Use a point for example if £1 and 50p use '.' so £1.50",
    "BaseConfiguration" => "Basic Confiuration",
    "ShortName" => "Short Name",
    "ShortNameInfo" => "Short name of the site like <i>Habbo</i>",
    "Name" => "Name",
    "NameInfo" => "Full site name like <i>Habbo Hotel</i>",
    "AdminLang" => "Housekeeping Language",
    "SiteLang" => "Site Language",
    "WebsiteLogo" => "Site logo",
    "ChartShopInfos" => "Number of website purchases made today.",
    "NoStats" => "<strong>Oh damn!</strong> There are no stats to show&agrave; today.",
    "LogoUpdated" => "Logo has been <b>Updated</b>",
    "ChooseImage" => "Choose Image",
    "EmailContact" => "Support Email",
    "EmailContactInfo" => "Example : [email protected]",
    "UrlSite" => "Site URl",
    "UrlSiteInfo" => "Example : http://habbophp.com/retro <br/> or http://habbophp.com",
    "NoFacebook" => "Facebook button to be displayed?",
    "NewsImages" => "News Image",
    "NewsImagesInfo"=>"Set number of items to be displayed in me.php",
    "News" => "News",
    "NewsInfo" => "Modify your news.",
    "EditNews" => "Modifier a news",
    "Credits" => "Credits",
    "Mission" => "Mission",
    "VipPoints" => "Points VIP" ,
    "NeedUsername" => "Enter username..",
    "NeedMail" => "Enter Email..",
    "NeedRank"=> "Enter a Valid Rank",
    "Password" => "Password",
    "AddVoucher" => "Add Voucher Code",
    "ConfigPayments" => "Configure Payments",
    "Amount" => "Amount",
    "NewVoucherIs" => "Enter new voucher code ",
    "Badges" => "Badges",
    "BadgesOf" => "Badges of",
    "MadeInFranceWith" => "Made in france by",
    "by" => "by",
    "Reason" => "Reason",
    "CategoryName" => "Category Name",
    "NoCategoriesNow" => "No categories.",
    "Help" => "Support",
    "HelpInfos" => "Manage part using CMS",
    "AdressIP" => "IP address of the EMU",
    "Obligatory" => "Mandatory",
    "Search" => "Search",
    "UsernameIPEmail" => "Enter, Username, IP & Email",
    "AboutVoucherCode" => "A code to give x amount of credits",
    "Categories" => "Categories",
    "Topics" => "Articles",
    "ManageBan" => "Manage Bans",
    "CreditDefault" => "Start Credits",
    "CreditDefaultInfo" => "Number of starting credits when registering",
    "MissionDefault" => "Default Motto",
    "MissionDefaultInfo" => "Their motto when they register",
    "NoBadgesNow" => "No badges",
    "BadgeID" => "Badge ID",
    "NeedJetonsInt" => "The Token must be a number",
    "Action" => "Action",
    "VipExpire" => "VIP expiration",
    "ManageBadges" => "Manage Badges",
    "AddBadges" => "Add Badges",
    "IDBadge" => "Badge ID",
    "Preview" => "Preview",
    "Page" => "Page",
    "PageInfo" => "Create, edit & delete custom pages.",
    "AddPage" => "Add page",
    "ListPage" => "List pages",
    "SendMyPage" => "Save my page",
    "TitleNeed" => "Title required",
    "ContentNeed" => "Content require",
    "LoadingPageInfo" => "Page under construction",
    "VipPricePerMonth" => "VIP price per month",
    "PaiementMethod" => "Means of payment",
    "PaymentsLogs" => "Logs of payment.",
    "ConfigAllopass" => "Configuration of Allopass",
    "HowToConfigShop" => "How to set up payment",
    "ConfigMail" => "Configuration mail ( SMTP )",
    "Host" => "Host",
    "Username" => "Username",
    "Port" => "Port",
    "TLS" => "TLS",
    "ServerPredifined" => "Server key",
    "Create New Form !" => "Create a new form",
    "Date Created" => "Date created",
    "Sort By" => "Sort by",
    "Duplicate" => "Duplicate",
    "Delete" => "Delete",
    "Text" => "Text",
    "Paragraph" => "Paragraph",
    "Drop_Down" => "Menu dropdown",
    "Multiple_Choice" => "Multiple Choice",
    "Checkboxes" => "Check Boxes",
    "NameInput" => "Name Input",
    "Time" => "Time",
    "Phone" => "Telephone",
    "Adress" => "Adress",
    "Price" => "Price",
    "WebSite" => "Website",
    "Number" => "Number",
    "UploadFile" => "Uploader a file",
    "SectionBreak" => "Section Break",
    "PageBreak" => "Page break",
    "FirstQuestion" => "First question",
    "Continue" = "Continue",
    "Previous" => "Previous",
    "SMTPSecurity" => "Security",
    "SectionBreakDescription" => "Description of separation?",
    "AnswerQuestions" => "Please answer the following questions:",
    "UntitledPage" => "Untitled Page",
    "UntitledForm" => "Untitled Form",
    "NoFormDescription" => "No form description",
    "SuccessFormSubmit" => "Merci!",
    "Submit" => "Submit",
    "PleaseVerifyBeforeSend" => "Please check before confirming.",
    "ReviewYourEntry" => "Check your entry.",
    "SaveForm" => "Save form.",
    "AddField" => "Add field",
    "Duplicate" => "Duplicate",
    "Delete" => "Delete",
    "FormNoFieldsYet" => "Your form has no fields",
    "NoFieldsYetInfo" => '<span style="color: #529214; font-weight: bold;">Make a choice,</span> on the righthand bar and <span style="color: #529214; font-weight: bold;">move here</span>.',
    "AddAField" => "Add a field",
    "FieldProperties" => "Properties",
    "FormProperties" => "Parameters",
    "MatrixChoice" => "Matrix Choice",
    "Email" => "Email",
    "FileUpload" => "Upload file",
    "SelectAField" => "Select a field",
    "ChooseOnLeftToConfigure" => "Choose a field to configure",
    "Required" => "Required",
    "NoDuplicates" => "No duplicates.",
    "TimeOptions" => "Time options",
    "ShowSecondsField" => "Show seconds field",
    "Use24H" => "24 hours format.",
    "TextOptions" => "Text options",
    "ShowAsAPasswordField" => "Forgot password",
    "MatrixOptions" => "Matrix options",
    "AllowMultipleAnswersPerRow" => "Allow multiple answers",
    "AddressOptions" => "Address Options",
    "HideAddressLine2" => "Hide address line 2",
    "RestricttoUSStateSelection" => "Limited to U.S.A",
    "DateOptions" => "Options date",
    "MinimumDate" => "Date minimum:",
    "MaximumDate" => "Date maximum:",
    "MM" => "MM",
    "DD" => "DD",
    "YYYY" => "YYYY",
    "EnableMinimumandorMaximumDates" => "Enable dates minimum/maximum",
    "EnableDateSelectionLimit" => "Enable date selection limit",
    "OnlyAllowEachDateToBeSelected" => "Only allow each date to be selected.",
    "Disable" => "Disable",
    "AllPastDates" => "Last dates",
    "AllFutureDates" => "Future dates",
    "DisableWeekEnd" => "Disable weekends",
    "DisableSpecificDates" => "Disable specific dates",
    "UploadOptions" => "Upload Option",
    "Entries" => "Forms Sent",
    "EmailNotifications" => "Notification via email",
    "MyEmail" => "My email address",
    "SendMeAnEmailWhenTheyAreANewEntrie" => "Send email to me when new entry.",
    "EntriesToday" => "Entries today",
    "EntrieToday" => "Entry today",
    "Range" => "Order",
    "LimitBy" => "Limit by",
    "Characters" => "Characters",
    "Words" => "Words",
    "Digits" => "Digits",
    "Value" => "Value",
    "DefaultValue" => "Default value",
    "DefaultDate" => "Default date",
    "DefaultCountry" => "Default country",
    "GuidelinesForUser" => "User information",
    "FieldLabel" => "Field label",
    "Disable" => "Disable",
    "Enable" => "Enable",
    "Entries" => "Entries",
    "Formulaire" => "Form",
    "FormulaireInfo" => "Add, edit, delete custom forms",
    "No Entries" => "No entries",
    "This form doesnt have any entries yet" => "Form has not yet received any data.",
    "Comments" => "Comments",
    "CommentsInfo" => "Choose a way to comment",
    "AlertsEmail" => "Email Alerts",
    "Export" => "Export",
    "SelectFields" => "Select / fields",
    "FilterEntries" => "Filter entries.",
    "DateCreated" => "Creation date",
    "ApplyFilter" => "Apply filters",
    "Apply" => "Apply",
    "DateUpdated" => "Date updated",
    "Print" => "Print",
    "EntryInfo" => "Entry info",
    "IPAddress" => "IP",
    "SortBy" => "Sort by",
    "ManageBadgesShop" => "Manage badge shop",
    "HowToConfigFacebookConnect" => "How to configure Facebook Connect.",
    "CurlFacebbok" => "The CURL extension must be enabled to use this module. <a href='http://habbophp.com/wiki/doku.php'?id=wiki:curl' target='_blanck'> How to activate </ a>",
    "Visites" => "Visits",
    "Connections" => "Connections",
    "Registers" => "Registers",
    "PagesViews" => "Pages views",
    "HelpHabboPHP" => "Help HabboPHP",
    "Notes" => "Notes",
    "NewsFromHabboPHP" => "News",
    "FollowHabboPHPonTwitter" => "Follow HabboPHP on Twitter",
    "ManageRares" => "Manage Rares",
    "AddRare" => "Add Rare",
    "NeedIDRare" => "Rare ID is needed",
    "ManageRareShop" => "Manage Rare Shop",
    "IDRare" => "ID Rare",
    "WinWinGet" => "WinWin get",
    "WinWinPrix" => "Price WinWin",
    "Keywords" => "Meta Keywords",
    "KeywordsInfo" => "Info Meta Keywords",
    "Description" => "Meta Description",
    "DescriptionInfo" => "Describe Bolt",
    "WelcomeMessage" => "Index message",
    "WelcomeMessageInfo" => "Customise the welcome message of your site"

Basically save it as something.php and put it in /admin/lang

Then go to Admin panel and go to site and Admin Language and whatever you called your file. Enjoy ;3

HabboPHP link -
Jan 17, 2012
What was the point of this? HabboPHP in my opinion, sucks. Thanks for translating though.


Helping noobs since 1996
Feb 17, 2012
What was the point of this? HabboPHP in my opinion, sucks. Thanks for translating though.
The point is that the HabboPHP has a released English front end, but it doesn't have a translated back end. So people might like it. KAY?
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