Helping noobs since 1996
- Feb 17, 2012
- 139
- 38
Just relasing what I've translated for it. However, I ain't gonna offer support for HabboPHP as it's a bit of effort but it's pretty nub proof. However, there isn't a English back end translation so here it is.
Basically save it as something.php and put it in /admin/lang
Then go to Admin panel and go to site and Admin Language and whatever you called your file. Enjoy ;3
HabboPHP link -
"Yes" => "Yes",
"Back" => "Back",
"No" => "No",
"Help" => "Help",
"Administration" => "Administration",
"Home" => "Home",
"Users" => "Users",
"Website" => "Site",
"Form" => "Form",
"Save" => "Save",
"Forms" => "Forms",
"ErrorToken" => "Token code is wrong or empty. Refresh the page.",
"MailConfig" => "Mail Configuration",
"WebsiteTitleInformations" => "Change the entire site é content here,és, newsé, twitter and facebook",
"PostNews" => "Post news",
"ManageNews" => "Mange News",
"Ads" => "Advertisements",
"SocialNetwork" => "Social Networks",
"PostNewsSubTitle" => "News Sub Text",
"ChooseImage" => "Chose image",
"UploadImage" => "Upload image",
"Title" => "Title",
"ShortDesc" => "Short description",
"ShortDescInfo" => "A short sentanceéto introduce your news.",
"Content" => "Content",
"SendMyNews" => "Submit News",
"Date" => "Date",
"Options" => "Options",
"Delete" => "Submit",
"Edit" => "Edit",
"LetInputEmptyToDesactivate" => "Empty field toédisable",
"AdsCode" => "Code HTML",
"Example" => "Example",
"Update" => "Update",
"Desactivate" => "De-Activeate",
"UpdateShort" => "Update",
"WhereIsTwitter" => "The Twitter plugin is located on the homepage.<br /><a href=\"https://twitter.com/signup\">Join twitter here.",
"WhereIsFacebook" => "Everything that happens on your facebook page will be displayedé in \"Communauté\".<br /><a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php\">Create your page here.</a>",
"WhereIsDisqus" => "These are the comments about your news<br /><a href=\"http://disqus.com/admin/register/\">Join here.</a>",
"TwitterPlaceHolder" => "Twitter Name",
"FacebookPlaceHolder" => "Facebook Name",
"DisqusPlaceHolder" => "Disqus Name",
"Server" => "Server",
"ServerInfos" => "Se the information for your server hereà blocked words etc..",
"ServerConfig" => "Server Conection Info",
"BannedWords" => "Baned Words",
"Maintenance" => "Maintenance",
"BannedWord" => "Band Word",
"Replacement" => "Replacement",
"Strict" => "Strict",
"Options" => "Options",
"NoWordsNow" => "No more word for the moment",
"ReplaceBy" => "Replace",
"Add" => "Add",
"MaintenanceInfo" => "Use this to disable the entire site for users.",
"Activate" => "Activate",
"Desactivate" => "Deactivate",
"Error" => "Error, please refresh the page.",
"NeedImage" => "It needs an image.",
"NeedTitle" => "It needs a title.",
"NeedShortDesc" => "It needs a short description.",
"NeedContent" => "The news content cannot be empty.",
"RealyDelete" => "Are you sure you want delete?",
"Loading" => "Please wait..",
"LoadingNewsInfo" => "Your news is being posted.<br/>Please wait..",
"Cancel" => "Cancel",
"Confirm" => "Confirm",
"NewsWillBeDelete" => "The news<b>déwil defiantly</b> be deletedée !",
"HelpIPEmu" => "Ip address on which the EMU is hosted",
"HelpTexts" => "Link to full texts.",
"HelpVars" => "Link to full vars",
"HelpSWF" => "Link to Main .SWF",
"MaintenanceStatus" => "Maintenance mode has been changed.",
"Close" => "Cancel",
"ModificationOKTitle" => "Thats it!",
"ModificationOK" => "This chance has been logged.",
"FacebookConnect" => "Facebook Connect",
"AppIDInfo" => "",
"AppSecretInfo" => "",
"Profil" => "Profil",
"FindUsersToManage" => "Search for user to edit.",
"Username" => "Username",
"Mail" => "Email",
"Rank" => "Rank",
"Rank1" => "User",
"Rank2" => "VIP",
"Rank3" => "eXpert",
"Rank4" => "Trial Moderator",
"Rank5" => "Moderator",
"Rank6" => "Super Moderator",
"Rank7" => "Administrator",
"Rank8" => "Founder",
"LastIP" => "Last IP",
"RegisterIP" => "Registration IP",
"LastOnline" => "Last Online",
"BanUser" => "Ban User?",
"BanIP" => "Ban IP?",
"Ban" => "Ban?",
"Shop" => "Shop",
"ConfigMoney" => "Currency Configuration",
"MoneyName" => "Name of Currency?",
"AmountOfMoneyAfterBuy" => "Amount?",
"PaiementMethods" => "Payment Method",
"Statistics" => "Stats",
"StarpassAccount" => "Starpass Account",
"StarpassDocument" => "Starpass Document?",
"PaypalPricePerBuy" => "Paypal Price",
"PaypalInfoPriceUseDot" => "Use a point for example if £1 and 50p use '.' so £1.50",
"BaseConfiguration" => "Basic Confiuration",
"ShortName" => "Short Name",
"ShortNameInfo" => "Short name of the site like <i>Habbo</i>",
"Name" => "Name",
"NameInfo" => "Full site name like <i>Habbo Hotel</i>",
"AdminLang" => "Housekeeping Language",
"SiteLang" => "Site Language",
"WebsiteLogo" => "Site logo",
"ChartShopInfos" => "Number of website purchases made today.",
"NoStats" => "<strong>Oh damn!</strong> There are no stats to showà today.",
"LogoUpdated" => "Logo has been <b>Updated</b>",
"ChooseImage" => "Choose Image",
"EmailContact" => "Support Email",
"EmailContactInfo" => "Example : [email protected]",
"UrlSite" => "Site URl",
"UrlSiteInfo" => "Example : http://habbophp.com/retro <br/> or http://habbophp.com",
"NoFacebook" => "Facebook button to be displayed?",
"NewsImages" => "News Image",
"NewsImagesInfo"=>"Set number of items to be displayed in me.php",
"News" => "News",
"NewsInfo" => "Modify your news.",
"EditNews" => "Modifier a news",
"Credits" => "Credits",
"Mission" => "Mission",
"VipPoints" => "Points VIP" ,
"NeedUsername" => "Enter username..",
"NeedMail" => "Enter Email..",
"NeedRank"=> "Enter a Valid Rank",
"Password" => "Password",
"AddVoucher" => "Add Voucher Code",
"ConfigPayments" => "Configure Payments",
"Amount" => "Amount",
"NewVoucherIs" => "Enter new voucher code ",
"Badges" => "Badges",
"BadgesOf" => "Badges of",
"MadeInFranceWith" => "Made in france by",
"by" => "by",
"Reason" => "Reason",
"CategoryName" => "Category Name",
"NoCategoriesNow" => "No categories.",
"Help" => "Support",
"HelpInfos" => "Manage part using CMS",
"AdressIP" => "IP address of the EMU",
"Obligatory" => "Mandatory",
"Search" => "Search",
"UsernameIPEmail" => "Enter, Username, IP & Email",
"AboutVoucherCode" => "A code to give x amount of credits",
"Categories" => "Categories",
"Topics" => "Articles",
"ManageBan" => "Manage Bans",
"CreditDefault" => "Start Credits",
"CreditDefaultInfo" => "Number of starting credits when registering",
"MissionDefault" => "Default Motto",
"MissionDefaultInfo" => "Their motto when they register",
"NoBadgesNow" => "No badges",
"BadgeID" => "Badge ID",
"NeedJetonsInt" => "The Token must be a number",
"Action" => "Action",
"VipExpire" => "VIP expiration",
"ManageBadges" => "Manage Badges",
"AddBadges" => "Add Badges",
"IDBadge" => "Badge ID",
"Preview" => "Preview",
"Page" => "Page",
"PageInfo" => "Create, edit & delete custom pages.",
"AddPage" => "Add page",
"ListPage" => "List pages",
"SendMyPage" => "Save my page",
"TitleNeed" => "Title required",
"ContentNeed" => "Content require",
"LoadingPageInfo" => "Page under construction",
"VipPricePerMonth" => "VIP price per month",
"PaiementMethod" => "Means of payment",
"PaymentsLogs" => "Logs of payment.",
"ConfigAllopass" => "Configuration of Allopass",
"HowToConfigShop" => "How to set up payment",
"ConfigMail" => "Configuration mail ( SMTP )",
"Host" => "Host",
"Username" => "Username",
"Port" => "Port",
"TLS" => "TLS",
"ServerPredifined" => "Server key",
"Create New Form !" => "Create a new form",
"Date Created" => "Date created",
"Sort By" => "Sort by",
"Duplicate" => "Duplicate",
"Delete" => "Delete",
"Text" => "Text",
"Paragraph" => "Paragraph",
"Drop_Down" => "Menu dropdown",
"Multiple_Choice" => "Multiple Choice",
"Checkboxes" => "Check Boxes",
"NameInput" => "Name Input",
"Time" => "Time",
"Phone" => "Telephone",
"Adress" => "Adress",
"Price" => "Price",
"WebSite" => "Website",
"Number" => "Number",
"UploadFile" => "Uploader a file",
"SectionBreak" => "Section Break",
"PageBreak" => "Page break",
"FirstQuestion" => "First question",
"Continue" = "Continue",
"Previous" => "Previous",
"SMTPSecurity" => "Security",
"SectionBreakDescription" => "Description of separation?",
"AnswerQuestions" => "Please answer the following questions:",
"UntitledPage" => "Untitled Page",
"UntitledForm" => "Untitled Form",
"NoFormDescription" => "No form description",
"SuccessFormSubmit" => "Merci!",
"Submit" => "Submit",
"PleaseVerifyBeforeSend" => "Please check before confirming.",
"ReviewYourEntry" => "Check your entry.",
"SaveForm" => "Save form.",
"AddField" => "Add field",
"Duplicate" => "Duplicate",
"Delete" => "Delete",
"FormNoFieldsYet" => "Your form has no fields",
"NoFieldsYetInfo" => '<span style="color: #529214; font-weight: bold;">Make a choice,</span> on the righthand bar and <span style="color: #529214; font-weight: bold;">move here</span>.',
"AddAField" => "Add a field",
"FieldProperties" => "Properties",
"FormProperties" => "Parameters",
"MatrixChoice" => "Matrix Choice",
"Email" => "Email",
"FileUpload" => "Upload file",
"SelectAField" => "Select a field",
"ChooseOnLeftToConfigure" => "Choose a field to configure",
"Required" => "Required",
"NoDuplicates" => "No duplicates.",
"TimeOptions" => "Time options",
"ShowSecondsField" => "Show seconds field",
"Use24H" => "24 hours format.",
"TextOptions" => "Text options",
"ShowAsAPasswordField" => "Forgot password",
"MatrixOptions" => "Matrix options",
"AllowMultipleAnswersPerRow" => "Allow multiple answers",
"AddressOptions" => "Address Options",
"HideAddressLine2" => "Hide address line 2",
"RestricttoUSStateSelection" => "Limited to U.S.A",
"DateOptions" => "Options date",
"MinimumDate" => "Date minimum:",
"MaximumDate" => "Date maximum:",
"MM" => "MM",
"DD" => "DD",
"YYYY" => "YYYY",
"EnableMinimumandorMaximumDates" => "Enable dates minimum/maximum",
"EnableDateSelectionLimit" => "Enable date selection limit",
"OnlyAllowEachDateToBeSelected" => "Only allow each date to be selected.",
"Disable" => "Disable",
"AllPastDates" => "Last dates",
"AllFutureDates" => "Future dates",
"DisableWeekEnd" => "Disable weekends",
"DisableSpecificDates" => "Disable specific dates",
"UploadOptions" => "Upload Option",
"Entries" => "Forms Sent",
"EmailNotifications" => "Notification via email",
"MyEmail" => "My email address",
"SendMeAnEmailWhenTheyAreANewEntrie" => "Send email to me when new entry.",
"EntriesToday" => "Entries today",
"EntrieToday" => "Entry today",
"Range" => "Order",
"LimitBy" => "Limit by",
"Characters" => "Characters",
"Words" => "Words",
"Digits" => "Digits",
"Value" => "Value",
"DefaultValue" => "Default value",
"DefaultDate" => "Default date",
"DefaultCountry" => "Default country",
"GuidelinesForUser" => "User information",
"FieldLabel" => "Field label",
"Disable" => "Disable",
"Enable" => "Enable",
"Entries" => "Entries",
"Formulaire" => "Form",
"FormulaireInfo" => "Add, edit, delete custom forms",
"No Entries" => "No entries",
"This form doesnt have any entries yet" => "Form has not yet received any data.",
"Comments" => "Comments",
"CommentsInfo" => "Choose a way to comment",
"AlertsEmail" => "Email Alerts",
"Export" => "Export",
"SelectFields" => "Select / fields",
"FilterEntries" => "Filter entries.",
"DateCreated" => "Creation date",
"ApplyFilter" => "Apply filters",
"Apply" => "Apply",
"DateUpdated" => "Date updated",
"Print" => "Print",
"EntryInfo" => "Entry info",
"IPAddress" => "IP",
"SortBy" => "Sort by",
"ManageBadgesShop" => "Manage badge shop",
"HowToConfigFacebookConnect" => "How to configure Facebook Connect.",
"CurlFacebbok" => "The CURL extension must be enabled to use this module. <a href='http://habbophp.com/wiki/doku.php'?id=wiki:curl' target='_blanck'> How to activate </ a>",
"Visites" => "Visits",
"Connections" => "Connections",
"Registers" => "Registers",
"PagesViews" => "Pages views",
"HelpHabboPHP" => "Help HabboPHP",
"Notes" => "Notes",
"NewsFromHabboPHP" => "News",
"FollowHabboPHPonTwitter" => "Follow HabboPHP on Twitter",
"ManageRares" => "Manage Rares",
"AddRare" => "Add Rare",
"NeedIDRare" => "Rare ID is needed",
"ManageRareShop" => "Manage Rare Shop",
"IDRare" => "ID Rare",
"WinWinGet" => "WinWin get",
"WinWinPrix" => "Price WinWin",
"Keywords" => "Meta Keywords",
"KeywordsInfo" => "Info Meta Keywords",
"Description" => "Meta Description",
"DescriptionInfo" => "Describe Bolt",
"WelcomeMessage" => "Index message",
"WelcomeMessageInfo" => "Customise the welcome message of your site"
Basically save it as something.php and put it in /admin/lang
Then go to Admin panel and go to site and Admin Language and whatever you called your file. Enjoy ;3
HabboPHP link -
You must be registered for see links