Show DevBest Bootstrap 3


Resident Weeb
Sep 2, 2011
It just updated today. I think that they are focusing more on the simplicity side of things.

In simplicity, I mean they removed much gradients and made the buttons more flat. They also updated the javascript carousel. I kinda like this over the previous one.

What do you think?

God damn, I just made a new layout and this releases, lol. Gotta edit the CSS again.



Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
It looks nice, but its always been simplicity they've offered? Also, since you've decided to create this thread, please add more information on the topic.

Since OP isn't adding much information... said:
Today we're releasing the first of at least two release candidates for Bootstrap 3, and along with it a slew of updates to the project and community. Buckle up.

New organization
We've mentioned it a few times in previous updates, but today it's Facebook Official: Bootstrap has moved to @twbs/bootstrap. Watchers, stars, and the like are all maintained in the move, as is all Git history. New digs, same code.

Docs for v3 and v2.3.2
With today's release we're pushing forward 100% on Bootstrap 3, meaning when you head to you'll see the v3 RC1 documentation. Our intention is to make BS3's testing and development as widespread as possible so we get the best final release possible.

Head on over to to check it out. If you're running into any broken links on the downloads, give it a bit for the DNS to sort itself out.

We're fully aware everyone cannot simply jump right into BS3 yet, so we've kept the docs for 2.3.2 around for easy access. You'll find a prominent link to the old docs in all of BS3's documentation. If you're in need, head over to .

What's changed!?
With over ~1,600 commits, ~72,000 additions/deletions, and ~300 files changed, everything has changed. We've added features, removed features, and cleaned up a lot more. The v3 pull request on GitHub has all the details you'll need for a complete list of changes and some helpful migration tips.

Onward to RC2
Bootstrap 3 RC1 is just the start, and we need your help to get to RC2. Download it and give it a go, and most importantly, tell us what you find. If something new is all funky or you found a bug, let us know by opening a new issue.


@mdo and @fat



Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
They've gone with the 'flat ui' style and based this release mainly around mobile rather than desktop first.

I'm wondering if they've done this cos iOS 7 is flat ui and that too, is mobile..


Resident Weeb
Sep 2, 2011
Looks pretty good, was getting tired of the same shit.

I got tired of it too, and that's why I started to edit the CSS to my liking. (E.g. changing the navbar and buttons on how it looks).


May 4, 2012
Download link is down but still available here:

Click the green button for the 3.0.0 pre release post to download.

Just upgraded my site to Bootstrap 3 and have to say its amazing so far.

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