Tbh. he's got the money for food. Why the fuq will he need a job right now? many people get off the streets and into a home.I think it's great what they've done here. Man looked so happy, good to see people actually care about others in the world. I agree with Jamie, I don't think a homeless guy would get a good paying job any time soon.
I don't think it was all the real anonymous since I saw one lady with her mask up and she looked about 40-60I wonder how much he made lol, Pretty good of anonymous to do.
It's good having knowing that 1 person donated to someone, but then when a whole group of people come and donate their change and give him drinks is amazing...
You can tell he's not one of the homeless rat's that spend their donations on drugs and alcohol - He looks like he could do something with his life if he had enough money.