Search results

  1. N

    Oldskool Habbo (

    I love it! Looks amazing and lovely vibes 😍😍
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    HylibCMS - ReactJS

    Looks very good, thanks for sharing with the community.
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    Phoenix 2022?

    Remember that something can become obsolete, even if it was good before. By obsolete I mean codes that are outdated/deprecated, old codes that are vulnerable, old windows/visual studio versions and many more things, that can lead to vulnerabilities as well.
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    Recompilable Habbo.swf 2021-11-10

    Hello, Since it is a long time ago I was wondering if you did found the issue with the font? It seems nothing is working. Editting the TextController/Replace ttf’s does not seems to do the trick either grrr! Regards
  5. N

    Nitro Imager doesn't work for me..

    Hello, Since you have a 500 error when you visit the link directly, it means that there is possible something wrong with the WebServer (IIS) and not the Nitro Imager. I think you made a mistake by using the web.config which was posted in earlier threads. Try to remove web.config and configure...
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    Another Clothing Release!

    I'm a big fan! Amazing work and keep the good work going! Thank you very much! <3_<3 Edit: bug :( Edit: another bug
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    Currently being DDossed

    IIS is extra vulnerable for L7 attacks because it is hard to configure things like you can in NGINX/Apache. However try this in your Dynamic IP Restrictions (Put Deny action on Abort) Also try to configure your max instances, max requests, queue length, request timeout...
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    Database Command Query

    Need more information like the columns etc. but should be something like this: (You need to change the table name/column & I did not test this so backup your data) UPDATE `table` SET `column` = REPLACE(`column`, '', '') WHERE `column` LIKE...
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    legacy + sneakie peak pls
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    How to change ADS mobi rank on Comet Server?

    What SWF version do you use? Or give me the SWF and I will try to find the exact file.
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    How to change ADS mobi rank on Comet Server?

    This is not server related but client related. You need to replace the rank/level in the SWF. Only the saving part is server related (SaveBrandingMessageEvent).
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    SQL Troubles

    I think this is what you need: SELECT `users`.`*`, `jobs`.`*` FROM `users` INNER JOIN `jobs` ON `jobs`.`name` = `users`.`jobcode` ORDER BY `users`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 Since I dont know your column name of the rank in table jobs I used the column name: name Let me know if you need help! Regards,
  13. N

    Flash Browser for Habbo (Habflash)

    Funny, while you rename an entire cms and calling it 'TownCMS'. Don't try to get attention all day long. Retarded. The reason of the removal of hflash:// was because the most people including me prefer Google directly instead of a new tab. But I agree, it was a better idea to leave it atleast...
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    Flash Browser for Habbo (Habflash)

    Hi, Here is the working one: FlashBrowser.exe Virusscan Source
  15. N

    AsteroidApp - Flash Browser Source for Habbo (MacOS/Windows 7/8/10 x32/x64)

    npm start works? If not then try npm install if it is still the same then move the folder to your desktop folder for example: C:/Users/YOURNAME/Desktop/YOURFOLDERNAME and then do cd Desktop/YOURFOLDERNAME and then npm start and after npm run windows to make it a .exe
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    AsteroidApp - Flash Browser Source for Habbo (MacOS/Windows 7/8/10 x32/x64)

    Hi, Since Flash will stop soon I've decided to release this electron application to make sure people can still play your retro until the HTML5/Unity Client is fully working. This works for Windows 7/8/10 32/64bits & MacOS. Source: Screens...
  17. N

    RevCMS Skin - Retro - Feedback

    Hi, I hope that by feedback you also mean criticism, because it seems like you got things from other themes, like the avatar container and high scores. The highscores don't really fit the theme. My tip is to make something yourself, even if it doesn't look good, it will give you inspiration...
  18. N

    How to make my habbo retro available to others?

    Yes is possible! Open 'CMD / Command prompt' and use command: ipconfig Copy the first ipv4 address (example: 192.168.1.**) and use this as cms url/emu ip. People in your network are now able to use the 192 ip as 'website link'.
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    Looking for fansite developer.

    PM me your discord
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    How to fix this CSS code?

    Use this for all browsers: display: -webkit-box; display: -moz-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: -webkit-flex; display: flex; -webkit-flex-direction: column; -moz-flex-direction: column; -ms-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column;