Search results

  1. ManIron

    catalog rank 1 [retro support]

    All users on Rank 1 cannot see catalog like this and no error show up yet. Rank 2+ or VIP 2+ can see catalog.
  2. ManIron

    vps - cloudflare error 522: connection timed out

    I had a problem with my retro in cloudflare showing up when I enter website. It happened since I updated SSL to secure and remove warning, so I forced HTTPS:// and updated all links to HTTPS:// and now I edit cloudflare settings to try correct this, looking in google and it is 'Make sure that...
  3. ManIron

    Home room automatically becomes - Room ID: 23

    Any idea why? Could I just replace all current users to a new home room ID (room ID: 1 etc.) or remove 23 and put in 0.
  4. ManIron

    BrainCMS 1.9.1 - forgot password to work

    I found this on google. Can this code replace my code in forgotpassword.php file?
  5. ManIron

    Illumina CMS set up - SQL

    I did set up and have these errors.
  6. ManIron

    setting public room

    i want to make room with id 11 to be my public room. i seen navigator_public in cata and wanted to put this table in but i go to click on public in client then it go to reload to /me and i wish to have this to work for users to see n access my room in the public rooms list in my navigator. thank...
  7. ManIron

    Catalog UI edit

    My catalog is slightly too high too far right. Just need to change the margin by couple pixels. Any idea how?
  8. ManIron

    Emu speed

    I am wondering to to adjust my emulator speed, at the moment all the walking and furniture (holoboy) move at x2 speed.
  9. ManIron

    *Request* - Diamonds Catalog page image

    Please share..
  10. ManIron

    Retro updates

    I use BrainCMS 1.9.1 and PlusEMU R63B Retro and I am experienced. I did edits for my CMS and update catalog reception so is there a security? I might get error in bots or pets show up. I have Discord.
  11. ManIron

    Set up support - retro

    Looking for PHP 5.4.14 in the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. For this tut -
  12. ManIron

    Is there a decent GTA V checklist?

    Hey, I been playing GTA V a lot lately and I was wondering if there was a checklist that could be saved online (I know about IGN but it’s very laggy!) as I want to document my progress, get offered advice of when to do what as I tick missions completed off. It also can be easily log in via...
  13. ManIron

    Retro - Coast [PlusEMU] Play today!

    Opened on 2019, Coast strives to bring back the retro gaming experience, with a quality economy and weekly updates, we can guarantee your stay here will be enjoyable! We're still growing strong today with over 20 registrations and a consistent 2+ online throughout the week. Coast has a loyal...
  14. ManIron

    FIFA Fifa 13 in 2019

    Because I feel like that fifa didn’t improve since then and kept playing the same game on Xbox since then and not bother to purchase the latest release. I am wondering if there is players that want to play versus online then swap gamer tags. Also if you’re on Xbox 360 and let me know as I am...