What about making a Casino system for Plus emu @Sage ?
Something like this:
:start 21 %username% = command to start the game 21, it will automatically say something like "i have 10 now", "i had 10 but i got a 6 so now i have 16"
:stop = stop at any number like 19, 20 or 21.
If you won it will...
Just a question now, when you used the old plusemu, did you use damiens fix for SSO?
Cuz if you did you would need to fix here too?
and now to the second question, do you use REV? :p
Mainly i could support better if i had source, so i could search through.
So my question to you is "does your external_override_variables.txt" have text in it? Or does it even exist? Look if everything is configured right there.
What about making a Casino system?
Something like this:
:start 21 %username% = command to start the game 21, it will automatically say something like "i have 10 now", "i had 10 but i got a 6 so now i have 16"
:stop = stop at any number like 19, 20 or 21.
If you won it will say "i got 20 and won...