Search results

  1. Chipster

    Phoenix 3.11.0 Error

    Hi, DevBest! I started a retroserver locally with Phoenix 3.11.0: But unfortunately arrived at the hotel_view my user crash...Visual studio reports me this error: 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException' in MySql.Data.dll Please, could you help me? :(
  2. Chipster

    Oi, chi sei nei retro italiani? Vediamo un po' sti snippet

    Oi, chi sei nei retro italiani? Vediamo un po' sti snippet
  3. Chipster

    Search Phoenix 3.11.0 original source

    This is the original source or renamed?
  4. Chipster

    Search Phoenix 3.11.0 original source

    Phoenix Emulator 3.11.0 Original Source, bro. Not cms.. Thanks all the same :(
  5. Chipster

    Search Phoenix 3.11.0 original source

    Hi, DevBest! I was looking for the original sources of Phoenix 3.11.0, but doing a search I found nothing. I ask you please if someone could pass them to me. Thank you. Sorry for my English :confused: