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  1. Thanatos31

    Habbo Flood Time Setting

    How can I set the message posting time? Plus Emu
  2. Thanatos31

    message sending time

    Hello there. users flooding repeatedly texting how can I turn this off?
  3. Thanatos31

    How do I edit the picture in the catalog

    Hello there. where can i find this picture?
  4. Thanatos31

    store picture settings

    Hello where can i change these pictures?
  5. Thanatos31

    Habbo Windows Problem

    Hello. I buy glass, but instead of other items? after purchasing:
  6. Thanatos31

    Habbo Login Text

    hello from which swf file can i change the text i marked? my english is weak :(
  7. Thanatos31

    Habbo Personel Command Alert Problem

    hello staff when using the command comes notification on the right. how can i remove this? Plus Emu help me please
  8. Thanatos31

    Habbo Group Problem

    Hello there is a group sign here, but I want this not to happen. It appears when I code the group_id column from the user_stats table, but I want it removed from everyone My English is weak ://
  9. Thanatos31

    Plus Emu Pet Problem

    i'm buying pet not going to inventory help me please
  10. Thanatos31

    Invisible group badge on avatar! PLUS EMU! HELP!

    Invisible group badge on avatar! PLUS EMU! HELP! help me please picture:
  11. Thanatos31

    Habbo Plus Emu Camera Not Working

    Hello, the camera does not work in the game I installed. Buying or sharing isn't working. My English is weak: / Picture:
  12. Thanatos31

    Bolt Cms 1.0 Help Me!

    help me :(