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  1. Benn

    Failed to execute a MUS command

    Hey guys, Having a bit of a pickle with PlusEMU today, When starting the Emulator up on the VPS, and using the client on the VPS, I get the following error 2017-07-21 04:07:29,327 ERROR - Plus.Communication.RCON.RCONConnection >> Failed to execute a MUS command. Raw data...
  2. Benn

    Insert Query Error

    Hello, After many attempts to solve, I cannot find the error with my Insert Query. PHP Code: $stmm = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO hk_logs(staff,action,timestamp) VALUES(:username, 'Logged in Successfully', '".time()."')"); $stmm->bindParam(':username', $_SESSION['username']); I really hope...
  3. Benn

    UMC - User Management Console - Version 2.0 [BrainCMS] [PlusEMU]

    Hello guys, After seeing the administration panel on @BrainCMS, I've taken the time to completely redo its look. This panel, is still undergoing some developments, and will be released soon. A few screenshots: Login -Secured with PIN and AdminCheck() Reformed Dashboard Edit user! I will...
  4. Benn

    PlusEMU: Chatlogs 'Overflow'

    Hi, just wondered if anyone could help me with this? Thanks :)
  5. Benn

    Catalog Issue - PlusEMU

    Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks, Benn
  6. Benn

    [Request] AS3 Sorcerer Cracked

    Hello Devbest, @DaSavage and I are after AS3 Sorcerer but not the free version, does anyone have the cracked version of it? Please post a download link, if you have one. Many thanks.
  7. Benn

    UMC - User Management Console - Version 1.0

    Hello Devbest, Recently, I've been working on a new Housekeeping System for RevCMS. It's currently fully functional for my hotel Some features have been taken from the Original ASE but codes have been edited and changed. Features it includes: - Unique pin system - Room...
  8. Benn

    [HELP] Admin Access whilst maintenance is on [REVCMS]

    Hello, can anybody help me with admin access whilst maintenance is on? I had a tut on rz and elseif($_GET['url'] != 'maintenance' && $_SESSION['user']['rank'] != 7) still nothing works :( Please, can anyone help? Thanks