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  1. AnalPudding

    How to edit CF_10_coin swf to exchange INTO custom currency (101)?

    This could help you:
  2. AnalPudding

    Problem with my Character!

    You need to change decimal from a comma to a point This has worked for me on localhost hotels
  3. AnalPudding

    Request Reception logo drape

    Heres the letters so you dont have to pay nothing just do them by yourself.
  4. AnalPudding

    GoldFish CMS [1.3.0][Arcturus Morningstar]

    Looks good :up:
  5. AnalPudding

    [Custom Pack] Ricardo Milos rare set

    So i was super bored and it was 4:15 am and i was watching some shitty memes and i came up with probably worst idea ever but anyways i decided to create Ricardo Milos Throne, Smoke Machine, Turntable, Egg & Statue If you dont know who Ricardo Milos is this will be weird af for you to see...
  6. AnalPudding

    [BrainCMS] Habbo edit

    Yep, as i said on the beginning its nothing special i was about to make alot more but i got new plans so i kinda forgot to finish that. But thanks anyways
  7. AnalPudding

    [BrainCMS] Habbo edit

    So i decided to release my old project as i have no motivation to continue it. Basicly its normal BrainCMS with just Habbo style. nothing special Screenshots: Download:!ySpVHC6S!uwFvPNNPEK85qs1XWVmuoexwexPs45HignSf7E6xLVQ Feel free to leave feedback!
  8. AnalPudding

    Bubble Alert

    In the command SendBubble("IMAGENAME", message)); If your image name is "info" change the "IMAGENAME" to "info" and then put store the image in /c_images/notifications/ Then it should work. Hopefully this worked
  9. AnalPudding

    Bubble Alert

    Build 2
  10. AnalPudding

    Bubble Alert

    Hello everyone i decided to share this with everyone cause i couldnt find any tutorial considering about this. Lets begin This works with PlusEmu 1. Create .cs folder. Example AlertCommand.cs 2. Clear everything so there is no coding in the file 3. Paste everything in Spoiler 1 to your cs...
  11. AnalPudding

    Grey tile in the client

    I noticed that in one other hotel had removed the grey tile under the icons i was wondering how hard would it be and also how to do it... Example do i need some programs or something i would appreciate help!