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  1. Rain


  2. Rain

    The Controversial Practices of Habba Hotel (

    "You shouldn't even own a server. Your ego is so big that you try to play dumb until you realise the evidence is public." I actually just forgot, and was dumbfounded I was banned as it was months ago. Also talking about my ego and telling me I shouldn't own a server indicates a large ego of your...
  3. Rain

    The Controversial Practices of Habba Hotel (

    You were working with grae and geo and tom to pinch habbas staff and users... the shit talking on hotel, egging staff on to quit, and directly dming staff to poach is more than enough of a reason. Denying it is pointless because I saw you conversations with them, I know yall was all aware. I...
  4. Rain

    The Controversial Practices of Habba Hotel (

    Yeah fair enough, I did boot Liam. No pw reset for my account, then was banned the instant I made another account. Nothing but just taking the piss when I was tryna get my account back. I was fkin salty, but don't misperceive it's not like I run around booting ever sod. Might be hard to take my...
  5. Rain

    Forgot password & Email

    I actually cbf delete the post
  6. Rain

    Forgot password & Email

    I can't remember the password or email for habbas findretros. Need a password reset or email change if possible 1722837806 bump 1723057661 bump
  7. Rain

    Retro Regarding the Safety of Your Data on Habba.IO owned by Rain/Josh is being logged in plain text by the owner and leaked

    I hope my new profile picture is a little less corny :P Why would I use my own users data to do anything to discourage them from retros? All I want is for my users to have a fun place to enjoy habbo. I'm not tryna steal passwords, hack anyone's account, emails, or anything. There's nothing to...
  8. Rain

    Retro Regarding the Safety of Your Data on Habba.IO owned by Rain/Josh is being logged in plain text by the owner and leaked

    Well you've really made yourself look like an idiot now.. I mean, as much as people can DM you for "truth", I'll offer the same. If anybody wants a genuine run down of how this all went, feel free to HMU
  9. Rain

    Retro Regarding the Safety of Your Data on Habba.IO owned by Rain/Josh is being logged in plain text by the owner and leaked

    The poor hashing was from RevCMS days when every hotel was using md5 - I'd never updated it throughout the years. I would 100% second this though, never use passwords you use for other services, on retros. I didn't release anybody's passwords on purpose, they were in logs recorded by me and only...
  10. Rain

    Retro Regarding the Safety of Your Data on Habba.IO owned by Rain/Josh is being logged in plain text by the owner and leaked

    Are you serious? The data logging was taken because of the constant hack attempts, I was trying to find out which form within the website had the vulnerability, which I did find. However, I will admit fault in saving HTTP requests as plain text, it was a poor mistake on my end, and it cost us...
  11. Rain

    post your speed test

    toss me that 1000/100 when you upgrade
  12. Rain

    post your speed test

    NZ Internet 🥴
  13. Rain

    New Upcoming Retro

    This is not miracle from Habba, have spoken to her about it. I believe the ex-managers are still trying to frame her, they started with Yzel and have moved on to miracle.
  14. Rain

    How would you describe a successful hotel?

    NGL i like mybobba, seems like a great hotel, regular updates, and events when they can. a perfect example of how to keep a place warm for when people check in again in the future. Users are fickle and have no real loyalty to a hotel, you have to find ways to keep it fun & active 1714685291 👀
  15. Rain

    How would you describe a successful hotel?

    I close the hotel when nobody comes online anymore, which usually happens when I get busy irl. Peace was around for 3 years, habsay was around for 1 and a half years, and habbliss I just opened during covid for a bit of fun. Currently, I wanted to refresh my development knowledge, and the income...
  16. Rain

    How would you describe a successful hotel?

    This would be the first hotel that has made any decent coin, so quick money grab? That's not advice man, that's just a salty insult.. The hotel is in BETA and a lot of it has already been made mobile friendly, and will take time to complete. The user count is real, and you would know if you...
  17. Rain

    How would you describe a successful hotel?

    Seems rather salty :P criticism usually includes what could be improved Had you given me some pointers on how things could be improved, I'd gladly take it on board, but due to the rude and blunt nature of your response, it was taken as salt.. I mean, your next message basically says I should...
  18. Rain

    How would you describe a successful hotel?

    Liam with the salt once again LOL. In my opinion, a good hotel should have a decent economy, things to do, and consistency. Collaboration with users about what they want to see is another good way to do things.
  19. Rain

    Nitro furni rotation issue

    Thanks man! really appreciate this !