Search results

  1. bodge

    SWF Edit - Room Tools

    didn't work for me.
  2. bodge

    Recruiting Need a graphics designer

    Hi, In need of a graphics designer. Will pay via PayPal. DM me for info. Thanks
  3. bodge

    Request Logo and staff badges

    Hi all, I'm looking for someone who can design me a logo and staff badges. I'm no good at pixel art lol. I'll pay, give me a price but don't be stupid with it. DM me for more info. Thanks
  4. bodge

    Youtube Channel.

  5. bodge

    Recruiting Hiring RP Minister (Administrator)

    I'm available, I have no life!
  6. bodge

    Whats your New Years Resolutions? (2017)

    Is Devbest the new 4chan anon message board?
  7. bodge

    Whats your New Years Resolutions? (2017)

    2017 is the year i will finally kms
  8. bodge

    [RELEASE] Clothes

  9. bodge

    IP/Domain Help

    Set your A Records to your IP They should be "@" (being direct via http:// without www) and "www" (being And in your config use your domain
  10. bodge

    [RELEASE] Clothes

    Idk, worth a try though
  11. bodge

    [RELEASE] Clothes

  12. bodge

    I Cannot Connect To My Retro R63 (Phoenix 3.0)

    this was pretty gay of me
  13. bodge

    Habbo catalogue fail

    Yeah, whoever purchased the ring got -100 coins deducted from their accounts. Whoever had less than 100 coins would have a negative amount of credits. But the developers quickly changed that after complaints :P
  14. bodge

    [Release] R63B Forums [RevCMS]

    Poor colour choices for the user box imo; couldn't you have come up with a style for the horizontal line instead of default html?_? The "-->" though. Don't you know HTML character entities exist? Use something like → (→)
  15. bodge

    Habbo catalogue fail

    They cannot remove the credits people purchased :D
  16. bodge

    Habbo catalogue fail

    A few minutes ago, Habbo developers epically fucked up their Diamond Reward section of the catalogue. Allowing Habbos to purchase 100 coins for 1000 duckets. Users went crazy and took advantage instantly. Forcing the developers to close the catalogue; disable trading.
  17. bodge

    Devbest starterpacks

    Will do, taking other requests ;)
  18. bodge

    eyup mateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    eyup mateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  19. bodge

    Devbest starterpacks

    Hey Devbest, I released a starter pack on a rival forum this afternoon as, 2lgit2qt. Considering making more! Seeing as though I was noticed :) I will be collecting a timeline of shit to use. Issue one Its all fanta banta don't get butt hurt @BIOS for help too ;)
  20. bodge

    [RELEASE] Clothes

    Load it up as normal. Remember to clear cache if you're using the same file names though :)