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  1. DanielSlivinskiy

    i need to post something.

    i need to post something.
  2. DanielSlivinskiy

    Hello can you add me in discord? for me you discord (Assholic#8284) not works. My is: Low#2826

    Hello can you add me in discord? for me you discord (Assholic#8284) not works. My is: Low#2826
  3. DanielSlivinskiy

    Habbo Custom Durag Clothes

    Hello DevBest. This is my first publication to publish for everyone to share. I had enough extra time and decided to release two durag hats for everyone. I made a separate folder where you can find the installation instructions i.e. if you can't install these in your hotel then by opening the...
  4. DanielSlivinskiy


  5. DanielSlivinskiy

    Looking for Nitro Setup

    Hello, this video maybe can help you.
  6. DanielSlivinskiy

    Kirsikka - Brain 1.9.1

    Hey Devbest community, Yesterday I started the Kirsikka project, which is to produce good, great and simple cms for new and old retro players. I currently have unnecessary time for what I want to spend it on this project and get it ready for others to use. I'll also be doing some instructions...
  7. DanielSlivinskiy

    @Johno what is ur discord?

    @Johno what is ur discord?
  8. DanielSlivinskiy

    I need designer for my hotel, if u have time for designer contact me in discord, Matts#9665 thanks!

    I need designer for my hotel, if u have time for designer contact me in discord, Matts#9665 thanks!
  9. DanielSlivinskiy

    Project Mango.

    Hi, how is the project going now? :o
  10. DanielSlivinskiy

    Project Mango.

    What features you can add? Please add camera, habbopathfinder, talent, polls, quickpolls, fix horse for saddle and fix sso ticket exploits.
  11. DanielSlivinskiy

    Plus Emulator - Welcome Frank Bots

    i fixed problem. thanks @Zachariah and @Hypothesis
  12. DanielSlivinskiy

    Plus Emulator - Welcome Frank Bots

    Hi, I also checked out there to find anything referring to Frank. Would you like to come and check the problem yourself at discord. My discord is: Dont#3090 :)
  13. DanielSlivinskiy

    Plus Emulator - Welcome Frank Bots

    Hello! I have a problem with Frank bots. Whenever I create a new room, 3 franc comes into my room. I have deleted the welcome frank file in emulator, because I do not want them to welcome bots hotel. Does anyone have any solutions on how to fix the problem without frank bots entering the room.
  14. DanielSlivinskiy

    Habbo Chocolatey CMS - Arcturus 1.15.2

    Hello, i use Habbo Chocolately CMS and when I create a user and choose a room for a user then those items of the room do not come into the room. I use arcturus 1.15.2 versio and i also tried 1.15.0 Arcturus version but it did not work either. How i fix that? Photo:
  15. DanielSlivinskiy

    Habbo Chocolatey CMS 76% disconnected client

    Hi, when i go to client and load 76% then come disconnected and all external_variables have links ok. How fix that shit problem?
  16. DanielSlivinskiy

    Habbo Chocolatey register problem

    Hi i use Habbo Chocolatey CMS for arcturus 1.15.2 emulator and i register my hotel this error coming. How i can fix that problem? Photo for problem:
  17. DanielSlivinskiy

    Help arcturus emulator catalog

    Hi all, i add this, http://forum.*****.com/f353/wulez-r1-swf-catalogue-arcturus-1150202/ catalog for arcturus emulator all work but items_base no works. how i can fix that?
  18. DanielSlivinskiy

    [RELEASE] Navigator SavedSearches

    i need serverpacketheader and clientpacketheader for my hotel production is: PRODUCTION-201709052204-426856518 @oStrs
  19. DanielSlivinskiy

    PlusEMU Bubble

    Hi, my speech bubble colors do not work, how can I fix problem?