Search results

  1. Rogify

    Recruiting [HIRING] StormRP Staff applications [HIRING]

    Hello, Devbest. Today, Im opening applications for me and my friends' Habbo Roleplay We're hiring one manager, and 2 other staff members. APPLICATION FORM: Why should you be hired : Your former experience : Age : Could you help with the bills : Which rank are you applying for : Your...
  2. Rogify

    Habbo RP?

    Could you message me if you have them ? Thanks.
  3. Rogify

    RevCMS RP Theme!

    I know its not hard to edit it, but even after editng it, it still looks average, its not worth it.
  4. Rogify

    Just an idea on your website: You should add links to original CMS threads.

    Just an idea on your website: You should add links to original CMS threads.
  5. Rogify

    RevCMS - Bootstrap Index...

    I think people doesnt do much with this index, as it is just index and theres ones much neater ones, but if youre gonna release the whole CMS, defo going to check it
  6. Rogify

    TubboCMS (Looks Neat :) )

    Thats SICK CMS, would defo use if somebody translated this and made RP edit of this, 9/10
  7. Rogify

    [PDO, TPL, Cache, JavaScript, jQuery] Thunderbolt - RELEASE

    5/10, decent looks, abit too many things, and you should REALLY translate it.
  8. Rogify

    RevCMS RP Theme!

    2/10, I dont like it at all, first of all, index is ugly and it has ugly font. Second, the other CMS is so god damn messy,you gotta do hella lots of work to make it look nice.
  9. Rogify

    [SL] StreetLife The Newest Role Play Jobs+Fights+Cars+Drugs+Gangs [SL]

    The concept is awesome, if you get it all working together. BUT, BIG minus for the website, sorry but even my dogs friends owners sisters mum would do better. Waiting for this tho, the character seems nice.
  10. Rogify

    ButterflyRP Emulator

    What kind of catalogue this has, if I may ask?
  11. Rogify

    Any Emulator - Coding addons for your Emulator There you go :)
  12. Rogify

    Any Emulator - Coding addons for your Emulator

    Could you code oneway ports and normal bank commands and system like withdraw deposit and atms and all that on Zodiak's BflyRP EMU? Would really appreciate that
  13. Rogify

    Habbo BETA Login page

    Nice release, waiting for someone releasing whole Habbo BETA CMS.
  14. Rogify

    [RELEASE] Habbo image pack (+40MB) [RELEASE]

    Hope it comes in handy :)
  15. Rogify

    Your thoughts on my revCMS skin? [ORIGINAL]

    you should defo change that nav.
  16. Rogify

    [RELEASE] Habbo image pack (+40MB) [RELEASE]

    Hello, Devbest. Today, im going to re-release an old pack of Habbo Images, from years 2011-2006/2007 which was originally released in 2011 by WJJ on another forum. It has old Habbo pictures, if you're making your own CMS, this is for you ! What does it include ? Alt Text Symbols Alts Avatars...
  17. Rogify

    Plus Emu r2.1 [RP] [Project Butter C#]

    seems awesome, looking forward for this, I just wish that the dev. doesnt freeze
  18. Rogify

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    What CMS to use? normal revCMS nor some of the other CMS's doesnt work with this DB
  19. Rogify

    [DELETED][Prj Foton Mini] Reality Edit CMS , Emulator & Database

    Its not even a problem lmao, people couldnt sign up with one name..