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  1. S

    Habbo furniture With zoomout [Update] [Cyberpunk]

    ah right, can you link me to the sqls/furnidata - couldn't find any in this thread.
  2. S

    Habbo furniture With zoomout [Update] [Cyberpunk]

    Is the DB SQLS and furnidata included? Also, english furnidata <3
  3. S


    Yeah, I sorted it out already after I posted this. Can a mod close the thread @Legion @Sledmore anyone?
  4. S

    Carnival 2015 + Hippo Statue Furniture

    @PointRyanz Your translated english sqls/furnidata link doesn't work, mind sending me a new one
  5. S

    [REL] CyberPunk Clothes

    Is this for phoenix? Or just r63b
  6. S

    Habbo furniture With zoomout [Update] [Cyberpunk]

    @Tony Wolf Do you have working sqls/furni/product data for this? Phoenix is the emulator.
  7. S

    WaveCMS v.1.0 (Uber Edit)

    I did both of those.
  8. S

    WaveCMS v.1.0 (Uber Edit)

    It looks like a great CMS, I'm actually going to use it. EDIT: It doesn't work, loading the client, blank client, CSS is messed up as well.
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    [REQ] Working R63 catalogue [REQ]

    Mind giving me a download link? Yeah, can't wait for it mate.
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    [REQ] Working R63 catalogue [REQ]

    Mmm, Yeah. What's the best one to use for temp purposes @ anyone and please don't say downf4ll or make your own :3
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    So, what I would have to edit to fix it? @JayCustom, it lets you register fine but it keeps showing that error so when I'm "officially done" with the hotel, it'd throw people off. Any ideas on how to fix it so it won't do that?
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    Okay right so I'm gonna sound like a big arse noob here because I've not been in the retro scene for ages but anyways.... I'm looking for a STABLE yet reliable emulator (r63b) please, if you could provide a link+swfs I'd very much appreciate it. OR I know Azure is unstable from what I've...
  13. S

    [Release] New Habbo badges.

    Thanks PS: UPDATED BADGES TO CURRENT ONES released 6 hrs ago,
  14. S

    [Release] New Habbo badges.

    Hi, I'm not sure if this has already been released but... here are the new habbo badges.!09pT1awJ!vnNCtnINrKX6Cix4-YTyvg If there are any missing, please let me know. I'll update this thread as more badges are released, thank you.
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    Issue related to client

  16. S

    2 New Effects: Staff Badge above Head [UPDATE]

    Note the command for plus doesn't work with mercury - if you need a mercury one you've gotta do it yourself.
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    Issue related to client

    was a simple swf issue.
  18. S

    2 New Effects: Staff Badge above Head [UPDATE]

    Can you give the command for Mercury?
  19. S

    r63 Ban command doesn't work GTE

    Check if your permissions are setup correctly.
  20. S


    Still needing assistance, it's not like phoenix btw and yes I've checked my variables, config, client.php, proxy connection, still doesn't work.