I downloaded the new XAMPP. Went to localhost to set up security, And there is some new little things on it, One being a PHP Phone book, an e-mail system and one being something called Instant Art. where you typed in some text and it used a custom font to create a picture of that text, This...
Started to learn HTML from w3schools last October when I moved to Australia because I had nothing better to do, then I moved onto CSS to add some nice design, now in the middle of learning PHP and JS, and CSS is my most favourite :)
Like one for the admin page for the owner of site to post important messages to all staff and one that posts important messages on the main website like just a bar under the navigator that appears when a messages is input that displays the important message to site users..
Again I have to comment on the name as it kind of sucks tbh, I love the project but the names suck bad for it :L
Looking forward to further releases
The ability to be able submit ban appeals and then view them in admin panel and unban users...
A site message / admin message...
Obviously you have not had a PC in a while, PC go slow if you buy a cheap one, you are aware you can get a laptop with better specs than the iMac and any Apple product for cheaper and better quality,