If you have to buy a pre-installed hotel and 3 "technicians" can not get a simple thing like this to work then you should drop out of the habbo retro business :)
Name: Sean Davies
Age: 15
Gender: Male
What have you contributed to the Habbo section? (Could be in essay form, or in enumeration):
Uber HK theme, RevCMS theme, Custom HK, and a Staff blog for revCMS :D
Are you proud in contributing to the Habbo section? (Yes or No only)
Name: Sean Davies
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Why I should get it:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac ligula sed mauris porta molestie sit amet in sem. Curabitur sagittis orci lorem. Proin purus leo, iaculis at convallis vel, blandit sit amet nulla. Cras porttitor, ipsum...