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  1. Deion

    How to make new "buttons"?

    OHHHHH. I thought you meant how to change how the buttons look.. Open header.php ndd find <div class="navButton" ref="Community" onClick="location.href='community.php'"><a href="community.php"><?php echo $lang['nav_community']; ?></a></div> add under it <div class="navButton" ref="Community"...
  2. Deion

    How to make new "buttons"?

    There were edits, that's probably what you saw.
  3. Deion

    How to make new "buttons"?

    I don't think that's a image.. Think it's coded like that. Best choice is also not to you PhoenixPHP.
  4. Deion

    revcms help

    In me.php, replace <center><a href="api.php" onclick="mango.client.popup(); return false;">Enter {hotelName} Hotel</a></center> with <center><a href="api.php" target="ClientWndw" onclick="'api.php','ClientWndw','width=980,height=597');return false;">Enter {hotelName} Hotel</a></center>
  5. Deion

    Wider selection for Account Upgrades

    I think there shall be more posting ranks!
  6. Deion

    Introduction Ohai. (:

    Hola, Welcome to Devbest. Yuu speak 2 languages?
  7. Deion

  8. Deion

  9. Deion

  10. Deion

  11. Deion

  12. Deion


  13. Deion

    Introduction Ello

    Hola amigo, no worry bout the past, thinking bout that makes it more painful.
  14. Deion

    Nub Theme

    Like everything but me.php, Good job...
  15. Deion

    [Showoff] Topsite Layout.

    Not a fan.. Needs light..
  16. Deion

    Feedback [GFX] DevBest Habbo Welcome Banner.

    You should make meh something :p suu hawt.
  17. Deion

    Help? :)

    What CMS is that?
  18. Deion

    my house show your house

    thought that was mc when i first saw it
  19. Deion

    [IDEA] pic saver

    Rewrite it, more detail..
  20. Deion

    [IDEA] pic saver

    Use sharefast?