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  1. Ecko

    IIS,PHP,MySQLi Max Execution Time exceeded

    class database implements interfaces\database wat
  2. Ecko

    Fucking love Samsung ( Not )

    doubt you're using an oem battery then
  3. Ecko

    Is Computer Science a good field to pursue professionally.

    Only if you do it as your Masters degree. If you want a good paying job while still being in the computer/programming industry, do Management Information Systems. It's a business degree, and usually starts off at around 60k. I did it along with 2 of my cousins. 1 of them makes average pay...
  4. Ecko

    Show DevBest [PHP] (

    Why would this even need to be bumped..? Not to mention:
  5. Ecko

    Introduction I have returned...!

    wtf is this shit
  6. Ecko

    Eclipse or Netbeans? (Java)

    Sounds like your computer sucks and that you don't know much about Java if you call IntelliJ an "underground IDE".
  7. Ecko

    Eclipse or Netbeans? (Java)
  8. Ecko

    post your speed test

    Comcast doubled my download but kept my upload the same
  9. Ecko

    Post your PC Specs

  10. Ecko

    Is this a good build?

    that just means you're using shitty USB drives. big difference between 8gb RAM and 16gb RAM, especially when it's dual channel and you're performing tasks such as video transcoding. and when you leave certain applications running like a web browser, having more RAM helps stabilize the system.
  11. Ecko

    Is this a good build?

    dunno why you chose an older cpu and motherboard: don't really need a cpu cooler unless you're overclocking and plan on leaving your pc on all the time. i don't know why people still buy optical drives either. they will become obsolete in computers just like...
  12. Ecko

    Java / Node.JS Learning Sites?

    It is a derivative of JavaScript. Just because the code is compiled at runtime and executed by the server doesn't change that.
  13. Ecko

    [VB] How to modify an element's child attribute (Correct Terminology?)
  14. Ecko

    Post pictures of your setup!

    getting a new setup though since this is around 5-6 years old
  15. Ecko

    [Help] Broke my PC while dusting the inside?

    did u not turn it off all the way rofl
  16. Ecko

    [PHP] Magic Quotes GPC

    what command prompt? give me access to ur cpanel and ill do this shit
  17. Ecko

    [PHP] Magic Quotes GPC

    Choose copy so you can modify it yourself in your document root
  18. Ecko

    [PHP] Magic Quotes GPC

    how did you turn off magic quotes in your php.ini then?? yes, you change username to your cpanel username, but it won't work unless your php.ini file is in /home/cpanelusername
  19. Ecko

    [PHP] Magic Quotes GPC

    sorry meant php as suphp. add this to your htaccess: <IfModule mod_suphp.c> suPHP_ConfigPath /home/username <Files php.ini> order allow,deny deny from all </Files> </IfModule> change this part suPHP_ConfigPath /home/username - to the path of your php.ini file