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  1. Cedar


    Pretty simple, just like you said. Love it, good job!
  2. Cedar

    [NOT-CODED] These customs were made a heck of a long time ago.

    But, I appreciate your honesty and rating, so thank you. :)
  3. Cedar

    [NOT-CODED] These customs were made a heck of a long time ago.

    Harsh. Plus, I've gotten better now, these were made like 2 years ago, Lol.
  4. Cedar

    Making Signatures For People

    If you don't mind picking another background, I tried to make a signature out of that one, but I just couldn't. Thanks. Here you go, enjoy! If you don't mind picking another background, I tried to make a signature out of that one, but I just couldn't. Thanks. I made a couple for you...
  5. Cedar

    Who is your Favorite Actor and Actress?

    George Clooney & Bonnie Franklin
  6. Cedar


    Agreed. Very inspiring video!
  7. Cedar

    Images in rooms?

    I think you can add the 'URL' of the room_ads in the 'SQL', if I can remember correctly. But, yes it should be in catalogue_items, it's in mine.
  8. Cedar

    My Hotel has a white background?

    You're welcome, sometimes it happens, it's a common error/bug.
  9. Cedar

    My Hotel has a white background?

    Have you tried reloading the hotel? restarting the hotel? clearing your cache? Also, what CMS and EMU do you run on?
  10. Cedar

    Making Signatures For People

    Once again, I'm sorry for the late replies to all of your signature, I've been busy with some in real life stuff and other things. I'll be finishing all the signatures that I haven't done, tomorrow. :)
  11. Cedar

    Re-Release Of RealityRP CMS

    Wrong selection, but good release!
  12. Cedar

    Weekly Rare

    I'm trying to learn on my own, didn't find it, I'll try looking around some more. Fixed it. :)
  13. Cedar

    Weekly Rare

    Went into cata_items changed golden elephant's page id to 16 (Limited Edition) then changed Violet Parasol to 94 (Staff Page) then I updated it. 1 Violet Parasol was removed, but there's another one, which I don't know how to remove, it doesn't show any other Violet Parasol in cata_items.
  14. Cedar

    Weekly Rare

    So, I'm trying to change the weekly rare, and I've done it, but how do I get rid of the other violet parasol, I only need 1 weekly rare choice not 2. I'm using iis7 & navicat.
  15. Cedar

    FPSRussia The Game

    I love FPSRussia, one of my favorite youtube channel to watch, can't wait for the game!
  16. Cedar

    Making Signatures For People

    Some new stuff I've been working on, and don't worry I'll be finishing off the signatures I didn't do, ASAP. Note: I'm just trying out different kinds of effects and brushes, so the new demos may not look so great. More Demos: You're welcome! :) There's other people in front of you...
  17. Cedar

    What can you tell from my desktop? ;o

    You need to charge your battery ... :/ & You got the background from Boy, it's your signature as well.
  18. Cedar

    Making Signatures For People

    Couldn't find the free verison, and I just found out Arial is the same thing, lol. xD
  19. Cedar

    Video Good Harlem Shake?

    You scared me :(.
  20. Cedar

    Queef Scams

    Closed? Possibly, but not deleted, if the staff want to look further into this they will.