Hello, I am releasing this emulator today because I am moving onto a new project. I decided to work on this emulator and try to fix most things. I have managed to add some features such a the unlock command without staff unlocking their account they can't use staff commands nor access mod tools...
I've been working on this emulator for a while now I've manged to fix somethings I am now having trouble with a connection to proxy I've tested many proxies with the emulator it causes random disconnections with the user. Without a proxy the emulator has no random disconnections anyone...
Here is a the Roomads fix posted by Jeanzinh0 on rival forums
else if (this.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == InteractionType.mannequin)
Paste Above it:
else if (this.GetBaseItem().Name == "ads_mpu_720" || this.GetBaseItem().Name == "ads_background" || this.GetBaseItem().Name ==...
Was given out on the thread the enable was released use Visual Studios to open your emulators source go to ChatCommandHandler.cs and replace case 11 with this
case 11:
if (Session.GetHabbo().HasFuse("cmd_enable"))
int int_ = int.Parse(Params[1]);
if (Session.GetHabbo().Rank > 5 && int_ == 102...
Run the following queries
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `age` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `country` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `role` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL;
Use this habbo-imaging:
Put this in your web.config:
<rule name="Imported Rule 1-9">
<match url="^habbo-imaging/badge/([^/]+)" ignoreCase="false" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge={R:1}"...