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  1. ptimmaq2

    [Release] Xero's Habbo Edit [Release]

    not bbad.
  2. ptimmaq2

    Evo/Lunar CMS Release (Uber2.0 Edit)

    Nice one! what's the name of the cms that has this same looking index but its red?
  3. ptimmaq2

    [RELEASE]RevCMS Habbo Layout/Template/Theme - HabboPHP Style(March 16, 2015-Version 3.5.1)

    Sledmore happy to help? first time to hear that lol
  4. ptimmaq2

    [RELEASE]RevCMS Habbo Layout/Template/Theme - HabboPHP Style(March 16, 2015-Version 3.5.1)

    well anyways i didnt get it work so, ill wait v3 :D, btw, if you could, could you get for me plus emu r2 packets and structures so i can use them on some rp emu and make rp with latest ui? you get credits of it ofc.
  5. ptimmaq2

    New Habbo Pet [Pikachu] release.

    i can help u do latest ui and everything.
  6. ptimmaq2

    [Release] Really neat looking r63 Habbo.SWF by ptimmaq2 [Release]
  7. ptimmaq2

    [Release] Really neat looking r63 Habbo.SWF by ptimmaq2 [Release]

    I can give you my external_flash_texts if you need. because ur mod tools.
  8. ptimmaq2

    [Release] Really neat looking r63 Habbo.SWF by ptimmaq2 [Release]

    you wont regret, please upload screenies if you can :P
  9. ptimmaq2

    [Release] Really neat looking r63 Habbo.SWF by ptimmaq2 [Release]

    Decided to release my habbo.swf, because i moved on to latest ui so, if someone wants SEXY ASS HABBO.SWF! Then this is for you! Download link (Habbo.SWF): My external_flash_texts.txt:
  10. ptimmaq2

    [Release]Latest Habbo User Interface Habbo.SWF + Some Edits [Release]

    Ok, ill send it for u on pm, and you give me screenshot of its cata, loading screen, pop ups, alers, navigator etc?
  11. ptimmaq2

    [Release]Latest Habbo User Interface Habbo.SWF + Some Edits [Release]

    i dont need the favor anymore, i will release my r63 habbo.swf, just need someone to provide screenshots for it cas i moved on from it.
  12. ptimmaq2

    [Request] Packets and sturctures of plus emu revision 2 [Request]

    title says it all, in look for plus emu r2 packets and structures.
  13. ptimmaq2

    [Release]Latest Habbo UI-Works only with PlusEMU

    well you can make this work with other emus, for example reality rp, just update structures and headers.
  14. ptimmaq2

    [Request] Quite easy to setup roleplay emu, database and swfs? r63b + phpmyadmin [Request]

    So i want to change from latest ui to any r63b rp hotel but, it needs to fit in phpmyadmin (i use xampp, cas i got no vps).
  15. ptimmaq2

    [Release] AeroRPEMU Based On Reality [Release]

    ''it sucks'', but you swallow. boom!
  16. ptimmaq2

    [Release]Latest Habbo UI-Works only with PlusEMU

    How to update headers and packages to support this of a rp emu? so i would get rp with latest ui.
  17. ptimmaq2

    [REQUEST/RELEASE] Plus emulator revision 2 with fixes and custom commands [REQUEST/RELEASE]

    I'm releasing my plus emulator revision 2, but i got a request, can someone debug the silverwave project file on it and send the emu to me back? i cant debug it, cas my visual studio is fucked... thanks. Added commands will work when someone debugs this... i fixed :fly, added :eha, :handitem...
  18. ptimmaq2

    [Release]Latest Habbo User Interface Habbo.SWF + Some Edits [Release]

    Soon, i could give it for you.... if you could do me a little favor?
  19. ptimmaq2

    [Release] :ui (changing between old and new ui) command for Plus emu r2 [Release]

    cant you still download it and open on visual studio and debug? :c