Okay,So I have a website and a radio station. Problem? No DJ's except from me.
2-8+ DJ's from all over the world
Any age
Need to be able to do shifts averaging at about 1-4 hours
Get to have you're own radio show
Get rewards etc Credits on a retro
Get to make new friends and...
Okay, my retro is almost done now :D Anyways I get a blank client when I load the client. I am using IIS. If it's the swifs could you please share some pre-hosted ones. I'll post my current swfs below as you probably know what a completely white page looks like and probably won't need the image...
So the entire page?
Oh, so where do I put that?
if(!defined('IN_INDEX')) { die('Sorry, you cannot access this file.'); }
#Please fill this all out.
#NOTE: To set up TheHabbos.ORG's API go to wwwroot/mysite/thehabbos_api for IIS, OR, htdocs/thehabbos_api for XAMPP and others.