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  1. D

    Professional help needed

    Hello, My name is Kyle I need professional help here. What I'm trying to do is update BCStorm to use this release RELEASE63-201312201124-496245659 (I have SWF cracked). I need to know what packets from that release above to allow the connections that's all I want at the moment. My guesses are...
  2. D

    What are these packets

    Okay that being said does it go into the outgoing.cs or the incoming.cs
  3. D

    What are these packets

    title says it all [LOG][CLIENT] > 38: [0][0][0]%[0]&[0]dc56a1f3988054613fcb1c0f3e79ef71[0] [LOG][SERVER] > 2240...
  4. D

    How do get headers

    How do I get headers from SWF and place them into my emulator
  5. D

    BCStorm Errors (Video) Souce I've edit RoomItemHandling.cs { if (adapter.dbType == DatabaseType.MySQL) { adapter.setQuery("SELECT * , COALESCE(`items_groups`.`group_id`, 0) AS group_id FROM `items` LEFT OUTER JOIN `items_groups`...
  6. D

    [DB+EMU+CMS]Trypolin r5.2 [NEW CRYPTO|Coloured Chat|TRAX|FastFood 100%]

    I love decompiling the source :D
  7. D

    Butterfly Emulator r105

    Sightly Note: Compatible with UberCMS obviously as with Habbo's R63* SWFs Greetings DevBest, My name is DONG also known as Various, whom to be the current owner of Habbo.VG & after Josh's sentence to prison. As the coder of the Butterfly (martinmine) whom to be my closest friend...
  8. D

    [RELEASE] Phoenix 3.12 leaked

    It's fake because I'm the one who decompile the source on so called "Fagzone"
  9. D

    [Electro17 Emu] BCSTORM Base [FIX]

    Why closed source?
  10. D

    BCstorm Packets

    This may sound like a stupid question but If I change that packets in BCStorm would that stop me from connecting to the client? Reason why I'm asking is because I changed all the packets ID's from outgoing.cs and the incoming.cs now the server connections me but all I get is black screen on the...
  11. D

    RSA RC4 cracking direction

    I tried that tutorial and apparently the latest SWF doesn't have "xmlsocket" nor does it have "sso.ticket"
  12. D

    RSA RC4 cracking direction

    I need someone to point me into the right direction to crack RSA RC4 key. I used AS3 Sorcerer to get all the scripts and all but I need help Habbo AS3 Scripts:
  13. D

    What does this mean.....

    I need this bump up! :P
  14. D

    What does this mean.....

    [secretkey] packet.secretkey=12844543231839046982589043811871065476910599239608903221675649771360705087933
  15. D

    How do I get packet ids from this

    Thank you and I used AS3 Sorcerer to get these codes so I'm still learning :D
  16. D

    How do I get packet ids from this

    public class _-2ZW extends _-3QU implements _-2cO { private static const _-2H-:uint = 4000; private var _-1p7:HabboCatalog; private var _-0wY:_-1pS; private var _-2Dt:int = 1; private var _-0nA:int; private var _-3hd:int; private var...
  17. D

    R63A to R63B

    I'm working on the Emulator Side for example I want to learn how to turn regular bcstorm using the new SWF with Ducks Coins
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    R63A to R63B

    It's something to do with packet headers I think? Because I know that Phoenix 3.0 went to 4.0 (R63B) using the same codes just changing some packets as what I heard
  19. D

    R63A to R63B

    How codes do I need to convert a R63A server to R63B server just so I can connect to the client and I can do the rest from there :)
  20. D

    RevCMS Staff Online Script

    </br><p style="font-size: 110%;"> <img src="app/tpl/skins/habbo/images/habbo_offline.gif"/> <strong><a><u style="color:#fc6204;"><a href="#" target="_blank"...