The general design is okay, however I must protest the general layout placements and the text; at the end of the first sentence of the first paragraph you start a new one with "This" and then it's a new line.
It is very off putting for us snobs.
I would quote you, but that'll be one big quote.
As you say your servers are great for small stuff, perhaps medium too. You really should look into Mount & Blade servers, easy to manage and hella fun. My Game Server company was founded on that game and is our biggest customer pool. There's also...
It's a nice idea, but as a game server host myself I don't think it'll attract too many people. Just for them lets get some questions out the way.
Where are your servers located?
What are the specs of your servers?
Are they DDoS protected?
What experience do you have in this field?
Are you...
Already got my friend and his girlfriend tickets, sadly I'm going to be working at the time. Going on a road trip in 2018 so I'll still get to do something of the sort!
Actually you can use various of fonts for non-commericla purposes, traditionally it would be a problem but as its for an academic purpose, it's not. If your teacher says anything say you used all resources you had to your disposal, he/she wont beable to argue that.
Ignore this guy, he's so far up his own arse his eyes are covered in shit and cant tell the difference.
Lighten the background up and it'll make a nice advertisement. To get some extra points you can make it in different banner sizes. Try to rework the text, it's a bit choppy.
It can fit, the selected case has options for all ATX sizes. I would have loved to go for a bigger one, but without losing performance I couldn't go lower and without it being more expensive I cannot go bigger.
I have converted the previous build to Intel, giving you the option of both.
There is a $25 increase, there is also some feature lost for the motherboard, with alot less slots for Hardrives. I'm unsure if there will be any GPU Performance loss, but it should be minimal...
Aye, but PC-Part picker will always choose the cheapest provider, so when the deal ends it'll switch, there shouldn't be much of a difference and perhaps it might be even less.
Brilliant, if you do go with that build be sure to prioritize the ones with the special deals on them, combined you're saving $70 so you don't wanna miss them.
No problem, if you have any questions feel free to PM me. Be sure to post some nice pictures of the build when you're done with it! and for the sake of sanity, make sure you ground yourself from static, you can get an anti-static strap on amazon or your local hardware shop for about $3-$5, much...
From what I'm guessing you're a low-end gamer, don't really do it much. You are just starting PC gaming and want to explore. You don't want to spend $1500+ on a high performance intel rig, you want to spend the least and get the most. You could go with the lower end Intel CPU's, but its likely...
I haven't got the technical experience or capabilities, I could maintain it, but not expand it.
I manage the billing and customer support, where my previous partner handeled the systems.