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  1. JoshuaLuke

    What's wrong with this PHP code?

    I'm trying to display a message to a non-vip user :L
  2. JoshuaLuke

    What's wrong with this PHP code?

    Hi, I'm trying to display something on my ME page which is only avalible for non-vip users. I have this code: <?PHP if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT `vip` FROM `users` WHERE username='{username}'"), 0) == 1){ ?> then I have the message, then after the message I have <?PHP } ?>...
  3. JoshuaLuke

    Should I switch to RevCMS?

    I think I might switch because I'm loving some of the addons i'm seeing for REV and not UBER
  4. JoshuaLuke

    Should I switch to RevCMS?

    Okay thanks. I think i'll move to Rev as Uber is old now. I'm wanting updated features and Uber isn't doing it for me
  5. JoshuaLuke

    Should I switch to RevCMS?

    It's not the themes with Uber it's just the lack of updates :3
  6. JoshuaLuke

    Should I switch to RevCMS?

    Hey, I'm currently using UberCMS and it's irritating with the lack of updates, I am considering moving to RevCMS but there's a few questions I need to ask. My passwords are encrypted in MD5, what is Rev's encryption? Should I switch to Rev? Thanks Josh
  7. JoshuaLuke


    Hello. I'm currently in the middle of re-vamping my UberCMS and I was wondering if anyone had the tags system where you can add tags from the me.php page. If so, can you post the code below please Thanks Josh
  8. JoshuaLuke

    [Addon] Tags [RevCMS]

    You can't see PHP in view-source :l
  9. JoshuaLuke

    [Addon] Tags [RevCMS]

    I need this for Uber, anyone got it?^.^
  10. JoshuaLuke

    Rev to Uber

    If you're using UberCMS 2.0.1 you have to go into global.php and comment out the apache headers
  11. JoshuaLuke

    [REQUEST] Client Stats Bar [REQUEST]

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Ikr. Pmsl. It's suu irritating cos like I spent ages trying to do it
  12. JoshuaLuke

    [REQUEST] Client Stats Bar [REQUEST]

    Look at Obbo's client source then :L
  13. JoshuaLuke

    [REQUEST] Client Stats Bar [REQUEST]

    I have Uber though ^.^
  14. JoshuaLuke

    [REQUEST] Client Stats Bar [REQUEST]

    I've been working on a client bar for the past few hours, I am wanting to achieve a result of but it will say my hotel etc. I couldn't seem to get it to work because the heights kept fucking theselves up. I use UberCMS, has anyone got the code for me?
  15. JoshuaLuke

    How to index my tables for Phoenix

    Mm Ok. Does anyone have a MySQL query to do all of this for me?:3
  16. JoshuaLuke

    Interface - RevCMS Skin

    I guess it looks OK although i'm not a fan of it ^.^ Nice work anyways.
  17. JoshuaLuke

    How to index my tables for Phoenix

    Which tables would I need to index?
  18. JoshuaLuke

    What's your view on Cracked Emulators?

    The emulator is legal... lol. Thats why Shorty can take down cracked URL's to downloads.
  19. JoshuaLuke

    Navicat Not Running SQL Query's Right

    Hello there, If I insert a code into navicat which doesn't include the table names eg. INSERT INTO `test` values ('0','1'); wouldn't work but whereas INSERT INTO `test` (`config_enable`, `enabled`) values ('0', '1'); would. Is there any way of configuring Navicat to work with the first query?