When I get to my hotel view my client disconnects and gets this exception:
System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
at Phoenix.HabboHotel.xf174b6b774db7993..ctor(String pSSOTicket, String pIPAddress, Boolean LoadFull)
I'm making a UberCMS lottery and i'm using a $check variable to see if a user has already entered, this is my check param:
$check = (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `lottery` WHERE `username` = '" . USER_NAME . "'"), 0));
it works fine when a user has their name in...
My friend had the exact same issue with the exact same host with a Windows VPS. He opened the ticket and they told him it wouldn't let him logon because he purchased a Linux VPS not a Windows VPS, when I distinctly remember him purchasing a Windows.
I've been trying to fix the UberCMS last signed in. I have this code:
function GetUserVar($id, $var, $allowCache = true)
if ($allowCache && isset($this->userCache[$id][$var]))
if ($var == "last_online")
return "<i>Never</i>";
return $this->userCache[$id][$var];
The progress you and Mikkel have made with this Emulator over the past few days is phenomenal. Your work looks fantastic and I wish you both the best upon finishing this project. I'm sure it will be to the high standard of it's current state. Well done and good luck :)
I couldn't find a section for this but I just decided to put it in Spam. So basically all i'm wanting is a really nice, sleek Windows 7 theme, I've looked on Devian Art but I cant be assed to look through loads of pages. Anyone got any cool themes for Windows 7?
I know the basics, but I want to expand my knowledge :D
Anyhow, I'll try NetBeans and look up some sites. I'll probably re-do all the basics. I just feel like im limited to what I do because I dont know enough coding languages
Recently i've been thinking about how I have limitations on what I make and how I do things. I wanted to begin learning coding languages such as PHP [to it's full extent], C#, Javascript and much more. Although, I need some recommendations on what to go on to help me achieve my goal of...