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  1. Bazinga

    New baby cousin! :D

    My Auntie is all good now which is great news and I'm looking forward to going down to see my cousin sometime soon :)!
  2. Bazinga

    Donald Trump and Obama Do a quick search next time ;) There's loads of sites which show his birth certificate, notice how the top left hand corner says 'State of Hawaii'. And if I'm not mistaken, Hawaii is a US state? Yes? Case closed.
  3. Bazinga

    Happy birthday kieren

    Since you're 17 now I guess you'll be starting to learn to drive? So here's something from me.. Too bad I seem to have misplaced the car ;P Anyways, Happy 17th Birthday!
  4. Bazinga

    Hayley Williams on Cosmo

    Hayley Williams (Lead singer of Paramore) on the cover of Cosmo magazine, I like it ;) Do you? ;D I didn't think this was too graphic for spamzilla but if it is please move it ;)
  5. Bazinga

    Help with retro

    I'm not intrested in being co-owner. I don't use Teamviewer with strangers. Just follow the instructions I gave you and it should work.
  6. Bazinga

    Help with retro

    Edit community_header.php in the templates folder. Easiest way is to copy and paste another tab then change the link and text ;P
  7. Bazinga

    Hotel V26 [Support]

    Can you portfoward as that would be easier than using hamachi?
  8. Bazinga


    Fell down the back of the drawers, then managed to make inself underneath xD
  9. Bazinga


    After 8 weeks of missing my much loved possesion I found it! My iPod touch which I have missed so, I'm so happy I have it back! :D
  10. Bazinga

    Show DevBest Uploaders::

    Here's another one I use all the time, I think it's great.
  11. Bazinga

    [HELP] Xampp Problem

    This should be some help:
  12. Bazinga

    [HELP] Xampp Problem

    There is probably something running on the same port as apache (port 80). This is usually Skype or Teamviewer. You can either change the port the program uses or the port apache uses.
  13. Bazinga

    Facebook Login

    It's just as easy to input your details manually, I don't see how it would bring more people. Devbest already has a Facebook group aswell.
  14. Bazinga

    CJDelta Banner Required I would have considered making one but since you don't allow people to put their name, I think that's a bit selfish, even though I probably wouldn't.
  15. Bazinga


    I think it's a rubbish idea, people should earn there right to be on the front page. Although Ry's idea might be good :P
  16. Bazinga

    [Help] Domain

    Buy/get webhosting or a server. You can't host anything with just a domain.
  17. Bazinga

    [NEWS] New Habbo clothes.

    It's not rumored anymore about Trax, the Trax machine was launched on a few days ago although you can't make your own Trax yet. Also the new hairstyles are awesome ;D
  18. Bazinga

    Auto-merge double posts.

    That's exactly my point, I never thought it would cause an trouble as it just makes your life easier which I thought would be helpful rather than a hindrance.
  19. Bazinga

    Auto-merge double posts.

    How can you abuse it? As it merges double post and doesn't bump them so there's no way really you can abuse it.. It's basically just an easier way of editing your post. Also it's a Moderator jobs to moderate everything, such as abuse, off-topic etcetera.
  20. Bazinga

    Challenge to all codders ^.^

    First of all, it's spelt coders and secondly who is going to enter this if there is nothing to win..