You do not need to clear cache, just visit to {url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/images/habbologo_whiteR.gif and {url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/images/habbologo_blackR.gif then reload them, it should load the new image.
Atleast "something" alike. I didn't mean go copy codes & ideas there, I was just aliking it. Atleast a website that can be useful for blogging too? IDK up to you ;)
Let me guess, it only says Exception has been saved? Or just does DC without showing any errors on the emulator.
And try re-doing your database but back it up first.
Hey Manuel. I forgot, what SQL query do I need to update a certain column? I want to make my 'credits' column on my 'users' table be all 5,000. I hate the troll on sb and cba to PM so I just wallpost. Hope you reply soon. ;]
Not unless if he uses a strong username and password that is almost impossible to guess. And putting % means the user can be accessed through any IP. facepalm.jpg
And he will also need to portforward 3306. This was solved already. facepalm.jpg
Check then Ctrl + U, the one with long numbers e.g.
*********************/**** (get the last 4 numbers, since Habbo has it's 1000th web build) ;)