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  1. St4nley

    Tomorrowland 2013

    why wouldn't swedish house mafia do a set together????
  2. St4nley

    Do you believe in life after death?

    theres also you, a typical atheist trying to prove himself to everyone else.
  3. St4nley

    Tomorrowland 2013

    never heard of those producers till now really like em, they did have a great set thanks for showing
  4. St4nley

    Feedback New Cycle Badge

    put red within, and make it like a bullseye badge, and if you could add an arrow into it that would be professionalwork!
  5. St4nley

    IIS7 Error

    You didnt even Install IIS...
  6. St4nley

    [Mobile] Gaming Apps

    Badland, Ski Safari, Tiny Wings, Wheres My Water, Traxtor DJ, Sniper Shooter
  7. St4nley

    Tomorrowland 2013

  8. St4nley

    Blank Client

    everybody starts somewhere, this post wasnt made for your opinon. ontopic: what blank screen are you getting? is it white or black?
  9. St4nley

    Blank Client

    white client is web build, check how to update your web build
  10. St4nley

    [Help] Client error

    sometimes proxies suck dick, and just break on their own, and it might not even be your fault.
  11. St4nley

    [Help] Client error

    something is crashing the connection, proxy possibly or weak emulator
  12. St4nley

    How to download files via FTP

    Thanks guys, and also the reason i posted it was because it would make the folders a shortcut. but ill just go into the folders and take them individually, Thanks!
  13. St4nley

    Which theme do you prefer?

    they look the same to me....... with some minor changes eg. navigation bar and background..
  14. St4nley

    How to download files via FTP

    I am trying to download my files via FTP on another computer, but it seems to be impossible i can only browser through the files. is there a way to do this? thanks!