Erm, i've started doing customs, and i decided to do a greyish section of furniture. Some may like them, some may not. I'm going to do about 15 furniture, and then release them on this thread. I just want opinions on what furniture to do, and if you like them, thanks.
More To Come. I'll Keep...
Erm, i've started practicing making customs, and I've came up with these. They're not good, but it's a start. I didn't bother doing the sqls, but 99% can make them anyway. I don't need anyone judging them, seeing as i know they aren't great, but some may find them useful.
They work fine...
Hotel Name: Hendo Hotel
Hotel Logo: Could you make one please
Banner Wanted: Iblock one off the main page please
Small Text: R63 | Unique Hotel | Best Catalogue Around | Hiring | Good Community | Good Events
Extra Information/Images: Anything you can come up with would be great, thanks