Hello DevBest! So recently a guy from this community '' Francis Joseph '' helped me add russian alphabet to my hotel, but that effected the clarity/graphic, as you can see on the screenshot: http://prnt.sc/by8ek8 - Everything is like more dark and unclear, I hope that a guy from this community...
Hello DevBest!
I've just added the Camera that Kylon released about three weeks ago. So everything works perfectly, only the date and ''report'' doesn't work. I'd like to ask if there is a guy here on this forum, that knows how to fix these two.
Hello DevBest!
I have recently added the GlobalGive and MassGive cs SQL and .cs in the Emulator folder, and also under CommandManager, but the commands doesn't still work. Any help?
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Thanks Leader and Modo. Modo, any chance you know how to fix Camera ? button? I tried making a folder called camera and put the two camera files into it, but no luck. Leader, I have a client.php where logout works, I've tried putting the function in my new client.php, but it wont work.
Hello DevBest!
I am wondering if there is a way to remove the ''?'' buttons or edit them, and also a way to fix the ''logout'' button at the top in client. Thanks in advance.