Search results

  1. LittleChild

    Country you wanna go to

    LOOOL omg you guys.
  2. LittleChild

    Fast Capped Internet or Slow Uncapped Internet?

    100% Capped,
  3. LittleChild

    Retro Setups

    depends on the specs of the VPS, if its a 1gb ram then it will be hard to set a popular emulator on it. You might wanna detail that :D
  4. LittleChild

    Client restarting

  5. LittleChild

    Client restarting

    oh mhm. what emulator are you using ? Wait its not your emulator !(Well probably not) the emulator is only involved on 87% however as you said it just keeps refreshing.
  6. LittleChild

    Applicant Habbo Developer

    I added you :D
  7. LittleChild

    Client restarting

    Look on habbo develpment, and see either MoonPHP or Project Imagine, MoonPHP if your more of a techy guy Project Imagine if you more of a beginner
  8. LittleChild

    Client restarting

    Download another theme, Trust me theres loads that are amazing. I would infact change CMS as a whole and upgrade to MoonPHP or Project Imagine (If there able to download yet)
  9. LittleChild

    Recruiting Seeking Private Server Makers l Business

    Do not trust VintusVPS
  10. LittleChild

    Applicant Habbo Developer

    Can I skype you Money I wanna hear your story, on how you got into developing ?
  11. LittleChild

    Client restarting

    I reccomend changing the theme quickly, if it still doesnt work look at your external variables or something.
  12. LittleChild
  13. LittleChild

    Testing if this works.

  14. LittleChild

    searching for CMS!

    Wow looks very original, I personally would not use it however, With a bit of patched up editing it can be fantastic !
  15. LittleChild

    How to do a job, the best you can ?

    Hey guys... I;m getting paid £25 for something a private nursery is paying for I want to do the job the best I can. (The nursery is in london... I'm far away from london) So its quite confusing. Basically I just gotta put them on a web host. And update there website to work with wordpress. How...
  16. LittleChild

    Hey devbest... I made something in photoshop ! Is it good ?

    Is this good ? I made it for my gaming shop.
  17. LittleChild

    Our education system...

  18. LittleChild

    Sports Favorite NFL Team

    NFL ?
  19. LittleChild

    What are you listening to now?
