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  1. JynX

    Send nudes.

    Send nudes.
  2. JynX

    :cctv code Needed

    What is cctv?
  3. JynX

    Habglobe RevCMS theme!

    It's unique and different but I guess it's a bit dark as I said on Plex's thread. Uhm, if someone redid it with some better colors it'd be pretty nice. Nevertheless, great release.
  4. JynX

    Recruiting Someone to open a hotel with me

    Do you even HTML bro?
  5. JynX

    Pretty sure you have to use WinRAR but don't quote me on that

    Pretty sure you have to use WinRAR but don't quote me on that
  6. JynX

    hi, ur ugly

    hi, ur ugly
  7. JynX

    No results found you sure you spelt it right? Send me your database, swfs, emu, and cms and I'll...

    No results found you sure you spelt it right? Send me your database, swfs, emu, and cms and I'll see if it's just my database. :)
  8. JynX

    Habbo Camera API (Plus)

    Any updates on this @Damiens?
  9. JynX

    Can you help me with my database? I can't seem to figure out how to set a default column in my...

    Can you help me with my database? I can't seem to figure out how to set a default column in my users table :(
  10. JynX

    Habbo Retros Or Habbo Roleplays?

    But then it'd be an RP you nugget. Plus not all features would even make sense if it was added to a non-rp hotel.. Hence why I prefer developing for RP's versus normal retros.
  11. JynX

    Habbo Retros Or Habbo Roleplays?

    100% agree with you to be honest you can add tons more features because you can make it like real life adding the things you do on a daily basis to it to make it more unique and overall a better simulation of life but in a Habbo form.
  12. JynX

    Habbo Retros Or Habbo Roleplays?

    Pretty much the same case if we consider the amount of people using Flux's files.. ONT: I prefer RP's because I feel like it's just more fun to create things on there compared to a normal retro.
  13. JynX

    [Release] Room On Register

    If I get a minute I'll code it if someone else doesn't before me I'll post it here :P
  14. JynX

    bc u own it :(

    bc u own it :(
  15. JynX

    Bro habworld makes me want to die..

    Bro habworld makes me want to die..
  16. JynX


  17. JynX

    Wubbo CMS help

    Making a CMS compatible isn't even hard.. It's just changing table names to be compatible with the structure of PlusEMU. I've also used WubboCMS in the past with PlusEMU and it works fine. @OP if you need help let me know and I'll gladly assist you.
  18. JynX


    It's clearly not the "Theme" theme and the "Habbo" theme both have their own client and trust me it's not the one you posted
  19. JynX


    Good thing I have my history still saved. Download the fucking CMS from here and set it up like a normal CMS.. Be sure to change the gamedata shit yanno and configure your client like a normal human instead of ripping from FluxRP's dev client LOL...
  20. JynX


    From the original thread.. Duh?