Search results

  1. Janzeer

    Encryption of IP in client

    Hey! I was wondering if there is a way to encrypt the IP address shown in the client.php other than placing a proxy in there. If my memory serves me right, I had came across a cms which has its client.php's IP encrypted with hashes which still allows the hotel to get connected. If someone could...
  2. Janzeer

    Request Habbo.swf

    Obviously its to clear the cache's.
  3. Janzeer

    [RP]White Client Fix

    I am not sure about RP, but do you have swf's pack in there? if you do check your path's and check your client.php too. Sorry dont have much knowledge on Role Play.
  4. Janzeer

    IIS 7.5 Error

    Just post a thread on the error lol.
  5. Janzeer

    Broken catalog?

    Try another Catalogue, there are few out there for r63b.
  6. Janzeer

    Request Habbo.swf

    Trust me mate, all you had to do was use the search engine.!7RZFhDSQ!CNnOv2y24ndWvVjC-6JQV3g78_qhk9lLCK1dJIXWX10 and add this in your external flash texts hotelview.counter.credits=Credits HOTEL NAMEClub
  7. Janzeer

    Request Habbo.swf

    It seems like an ordinary habbo.swf which can be found with latest UI r63 keywords in google. If you were referring to the catalogue, you have to add it manually with customs.
  8. Janzeer

    client issue

    What do you mean by loaded funny? If the client didnt load when you replaced the client.php i guess you replaced a wrong client for r63b.
  9. Janzeer

    (help)installing Mercury Emulator R63

    LMAO! Thats pathetic mate, even the phoenix was set up by me for you. I dont think you should own a retro because you couldnt even do anything and only expecting people to do it for you, thats very pathetic bud.
  10. Janzeer

    New feature request

    Isnt very good doesnt mean he cant.
  11. Janzeer

    IIS Help

    Just use another cms lol.
  12. Janzeer

    IIS Help

    That wouldnt possibly help anyone who encounters the same problem. I think you need a htaccess file compares to web.config on your cms as it's for iis.
  13. Janzeer

    New feature request

    I am sure there is a cms with this feature called "Gold Bar Redeemer", You can extract that and do some edits to make it into a "Diamonds/Points" redeemer.
  14. Janzeer

    r63] rank 1 can see rank 2 catalogue page

    Your answers may help another person who encounters the same problem.
  15. Janzeer

    in need of navicat premium code

    Go to Navicat's live support and have a chat with the Sales department and tell them you haven backed up your database or something and get another trial code from them which would last for another 30 days and you can do it all over again after the 30 days again :P
  16. Janzeer

    [HELP] Catalogue Issues!

    Can you be more specific? Is it black boxes? or is it users cant see the added catalogue such as some column like custom furni? If its black boxes try clearing your cache and if it doesnt work that means your swfs are not linked properly. If the users cant see the added cata, it has to do with...
  17. Janzeer

    [REQUEST] Domain, Proxy and VPS site gives a higher Hard Disk Space but just that it doesnt have a 24/7 support.
  18. Janzeer

    Staff page not displaying properly

    Go to your staff.php check the rank to be placed there.
  19. Janzeer

    [R63] Habbo Clothes [R63]

    I am sure google search would help you the following time. But here you go,
  20. Janzeer


    You can try Jess catalogue. :)