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  1. Patriik

    Request Logo / Banner

    I'll do one for you when I am back home and I send it to your skype when I am ready!
  2. Patriik

    Applicant Developer/Community Manager

    I messaged you @Brad Remove this thread I wilö make new one in future...
  3. Patriik

    Habbo Fansite

    Maybe I would be ready to pay some but the work should really be custom made and integrated to my website. So that it fits the style of it and its easy to use.
  4. Patriik

    Habbo Fansite

    I am currently developing themed fansite (how ironic when I have hosted habbo retro..) I have runned into one problem and that is that I cant find good news system for that website.. Every single one that I have tried has not worked for different reason. So I am asking if someone would...
  5. Patriik

    [RP R63] Catalog furniture

    You still need that table..
  6. Patriik

    Catalogue Problem [R63]

    I have problem.. and It is big for me... I set from my database catalogue page's "min_rank" to 2 which means in my database VIP rank. But the VIP's cant see the page. Whats wrong that? I have Gold Tree Emulator on my retro..
  7. Patriik

    [RP R63] Catalog furniture

    Yes, I think so.. I can send you the table later today.
  8. Patriik

    [RP R63] Catalog furniture

    Create furniture table..
  9. Patriik

    [REL] Smooth Dragons.

    Love them...
  10. Patriik

    Running commands from index page

    Hello! It's me again . I have seen this function only in one habbo retro (now its dumped). It has function for vips to send :ha command to hotel from index page and they could send it only once in few hours. I was wondering how hard is it to make this kinda system. So there would be little...
  11. Patriik

    How to save GTE Emulator

    I have made few edits to my GTE emulator example to :info command. I edited them with Notepad++ and saved the file then restarted emulator from Debug folder but my changes wont show. What I have to do so GTE will show edits that I made into emulators files?
  12. Patriik

    I added you

    I added you
  13. Patriik

    Customing commands

    Its in HabboHotel>Misc folder...
  14. Patriik

    Customing commands

    Well thats not the main thing now. I was wondering how I can edit that :flagme command.. I know from Emulator > HabboHotel folder. But what do I have to edit...
  15. Patriik

    Customing commands

    Just to fool around?
  16. Patriik

    Customing commands

    Hello, I know I am spamming this forum but I have noticed that I get great support from here. But now my question, Is it possible to customize command :flagme so it can be only be runned every 7 days. So users cant change name all the time. I have currently GTE emulator (r63 hotel). Also my...
  17. Patriik

    More ranks than 8?

    Is it possible to edit GTE so I could make more than 8 ranks? Currently I can only do 8 ranks if I make more the emulator will not let users with bigger ranks do anything on client because it will drop their connection? Please someone help me:) Thanks!
  18. Patriik

    Service Logo for Hotel!

    Here it goes :) Hope your happy with it
  19. Patriik

    Service Logo for Hotel!

    I am now going to take some requests to make habbo logos to other hotels. Please comment down with pre-made form that I made for you. I will make every single one of them, if I do get a loth of requests please be patient with your waiting. Some of my works: Here is the form for requesting...
  20. Patriik

    Yes I do know

    Yes I do know