Search results

  1. Zyriantdtx

    Help setting up Habbo Retro (Paid Job)

    I would also do it for free, I own a hotel and an RP. I don't need the money. - PM me, I can do it.
  2. Zyriantdtx

    Help setting up Habbo Retro (Paid Job)

    -.- Thats nice...
  3. Zyriantdtx

    Help setting up Habbo Retro (Paid Job)

    Ahh, sorry. I would help, but I cannot. BUT wait a second, I have a CMS, SWF and everything but I cannot confirm it works - It is new UI
  4. Zyriantdtx

    [Help/Request] A good statistics page for RevCMS?

    It is a type of Royal Navy knot?
  5. Zyriantdtx

    Help setting up Habbo Retro (Paid Job)

    I can do it, as they gave me a cms and emu to use, it isnt quite new ui though.
  6. Zyriantdtx

    [Help/Request] A good statistics page for RevCMS?

    Explain what a 'noose' is...
  7. Zyriantdtx

    [Help/Request] A good statistics page for RevCMS?

    ... Habbo Retros design is coded in CSS and HTML but the main code is PHP...
  8. Zyriantdtx

    Help setting up Habbo Retro (Paid Job)

    You could use EpicHosts - They do it for 19 quid. You will have to speak to them though.
  9. Zyriantdtx


    Well, to make staff - Find your user ID > goto the 'badges' table > insert a new column > in userid put your userid > badgeid = 11 > static > badgeslot 1, correct me if i'm wrong
  10. Zyriantdtx

    V26 RP Setting up

    Hi Devbest, I know it sounds really old but I really liked v26 Roleplays, and I am having trouble finding good/working links to make one, Can someone source me a few links so I could make one? Thanksss!
  11. Zyriantdtx


  12. Zyriantdtx

    [RP] iCatRP Emulator [r63a]

    I am working on another emulator but i'm not releasing it, as I have had sooooo much hate.
  13. Zyriantdtx

    [Help] With Client :D

    what emulator you using?
  14. Zyriantdtx

    Setting up findretros properly

    How'd you install the API on RevCMS?
  15. Zyriantdtx

    [DELETED][Prj Foton Mini] Reality Edit CMS , Emulator & Database

    Uhh, its not removing, it just stays there... EDIT: see:
  16. Zyriantdtx


  17. Zyriantdtx

    [DELETED][Prj Foton Mini] Reality Edit CMS , Emulator & Database

    Says I have a later version installed?
  18. Zyriantdtx

    [DELETED][Prj Foton Mini] Reality Edit CMS , Emulator & Database

    Where do I put the MySQL.Data.dll and which one?
  19. Zyriantdtx

    [RP] iCatRP Emulator [r63a]

    Its not supposed to be used for public rp's.
  20. Zyriantdtx

    [VIDEO] How to make a R63b HABBO RETRO for FREE

    I know, I found a better CMS and EMU