Search results

  1. Jaden

    [DEV] Project Venom [DEV]

    "I frankly don't care that you copied from my emulator, but to claim it as your work--- bullshit." Secondly, I know this kid, so that's what made this tragic-- was the fact that he claims 6 lines of code which hes has copied but failed to admit did not come off the top. ALSO I'm not annoyed...
  2. Jaden

    [DEV] Project Venom [DEV]

    That's funny, how is your work "better" if its an exact copy of mine with the variables changed? I make post everyday? Please acknowledge the fact that this account was made in 2014, If i were to post a new thread everyday... well, you do the math. Conclusion: That's a pretty bold hyperbole...
  3. Jaden

    Feedback RoverCMS Design For RevCMS

    This is an edit of the RevCMS layout released by Arctic Hotel
  4. Jaden

    [NodeJS, PostgreSQL] Habbo Emulator

  5. Jaden

    Recruiting Habbo Retro Developer Serious Inquires Only Please.

    Roflmao, I can code you a v36 Habbo Server in Java if you'd like : DDDDDD
  6. Jaden

    [PS] How to make a image transparent

    Can I have the example image?
  7. Jaden

    [NodeJS, PostgreSQL] Habbo Emulator

    Notice: This is not HTML5, this is an actual emulator (just like phoenix or whatever), meaning it emulates the flash client on However: I do plan duplicate and rewrite habbo's client in HTML5 using Node.js websockets, when I do that I will include an avatar generator or you can just...
  8. Jaden

    [PAID] Looking for One or Two Web Developers

    Hello, I am interested in this job. I have a few years experience with all of the languages required and a few more. You can add me on skype for more information at m0de.null.
  9. Jaden

    [NodeJS, PostgreSQL] Habbo Emulator

    Looking into PostgreSQL now... Thanks for the feedback, PostgreSQL looks rather amazing based on the documentation which i read on its official website. However, I will have to look into it more to see if it's not too much trouble for a simple Habbo Emulator. ...The fact that its SQL is a +1
  10. Jaden

    Would pay for latest habbo.swf

    C# is C#.
  11. Jaden

    [Release] 10 new Wireds

    Can't wait to code these. Anybody got a mirror?
  12. Jaden

    Applicant habbo retro developer

    Officially off the market.
  13. Jaden

    Applicant habbo retro developer

    If I'm not available I will update the thread. Yes, I am currently available.
  14. Jaden

    Applicant habbo retro developer

    I'm flattered. Updates on MoonPHP: Started working on client register.
  15. Jaden

    [NodeJS, PostgreSQL] Habbo Emulator

    . Habbo Emulator Development Thread. This emulator is currently open-source on GitHub. I'd appreciate it if you'd give me feedback, positive or negative as long as its constructive. I have no deadline for the release of this emulator yet I do plan on releasing it as of right now...
  16. Jaden

    [Request] Coding Trade Command

    e-z-p-z I can in fact help you code this command.
  17. Jaden

    Applicant habbo retro developer

    Hello Kids, I'm Moonshine I am currently looking for employment at a hotel or upcoming. I don't mind if you're already open as long as you have a good user-base and an open-source emulator. If you're willing to switch to one of my emulators that would also be great (I can convert your database...
  18. Jaden

    Azure CMS Build 350 [Help] Please

    We're focusing on azure 2.0