Check if you got the folder node_modules and if you do... run the program.
Stop worrying about the fucking log -_-.
EDIT: if not cd probably doesn't work (that's what its looking like) make sure your directory is set correctly.
Congratulations, you can do what I myself and most developers mentally cannot do--- use frameworks. ._.
Count your blessings...
This is starting to get interesting-- Can we take a peak at your PDO class (assuming its a wrapper, you can have a thumbs up right now).
Yes I got the same message when I installed it, but the module was still there + it worked perfectly.
Its common to get NPM errors unless you're using very well-known modules.
I'm not trying to recruit anyone, I'm trying to find a graphics designer and utilize there BEST abilities then I'll brainstorm on the on the content within the game.
That is when I will hire graphics artist.
Sorry if you all misread the thread but I'd like opinions on whether it should be 2D or...
A few questions I'd like to ask you...
What language is this emulator programmed in?
Based off another emulator or is it from scratch?
Experience required to be on said team?
Current developers apart of this team?
Specify more on how the work-2-pay system you're going by?
Also emulators are...
I've wrote an emulator in just about any and every language you can think of. (Except Java, which I'm doing very soon).
Everything I've wrote so far, I've finished... You've must have me mistaken me for another DB kid? And I remember expressing how it wasn't a big deal but then you go and make it one.
and if you would've handled a situation such as this one differently, instead of sending shots back at me...