Not to be all OCD and everything but it bothers me how you use { } when you're only executing a line of code in-between the brackets.
I guess this is just an example of what I mean, I'm not saying you should write code like this, but only consider it...
I've been doing that for along time... It...
If you patched RC4... why are you using any encryption? You'll end up getting the wrong packet id's.
Also, you need to take a look at the InitCryptoMessageEvent class and make sure it's not sending any valid DH keys.
Well first, Mango doesn't have any encryption, so if you don't have RC4 patched you're going to need this...
Latest Encryption:
and PRODUCTION added something to their encryption if I'm correct, that's why I...
Sexy, what IDE is that?
Also, I could give you a lesson or 2 on another style of architecture when dealing with about any type of server and can elegantly handle hundreds of thousands of requests in a matter nanoseconds. Although this method is for the pros.