If you are using free hosts, you will keep getting suspended.
You might have to bite the bullet and spend a few dollars. I recommend trying https://www.zfast.co.uk/ as I have used them before.
I am creating FREE Habbo retro banners for you guys.
All you have to reply with is this:
Hotel Name: (Write Hotel name or post your logo)
Small Text: (Hotel description)
Background: (Post an image or write a theme you like)
Then I will post your finished banner without 5 minutes to...
Do you mean you tried different Rev themes and they all mashed together? Common error.
Don't use Wabbo, use Rev or Illumina. If you need any help setting up, PM me.
Hey \0
Just wondering, what are some good small text fonts to put on retro banners, that are easy to see..
I can see that most hotels use the same font, but I don't know what it is.
Anyone got the name of it or a download for it?