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  1. wite

    Video Worthless fucking scum.

    Poor driver, I would have run them cunts down.
  2. wite

    Little help with Windows 7?

    The image is working fine for me Macemore The problem is your monitor's max resolution isn't that high, therefore it wont show the whole screen. Google 1920x1080p monitors and buy one of them, otherwise you can't get good resolution. LeSyndicate
  3. wite

    R.I.P Paul Walker - Graphics

    I just copied how it was written on his fan based site.
  4. wite

    R.I.P Paul Walker - Graphics

    I got bored and yeah..
  5. wite

    ur fkn sexy u were the best user on devbest plz come back ily

    ur fkn sexy u were the best user on devbest plz come back ily
  6. wite

    PC The Syndicate Chunk Challange!

    There is a hidden chest on top of a tree on the map, with the strongest sword possible without mods! I found it, good luck finding it!
  7. wite

    How to set up external payment for resources?

    Wouldn't you just put your PayPal URL in there so they can pay you via PP?
  8. wite

    Battlefield Xbox vs PC graphics

    Where can I get the BETA for BF4 PC so I can try this myself?
  9. wite

    Post your desktop!

    Re-installed Windows after a few errors..
  10. wite

    Graphics Card Fail

    What is the Virtual MB amount on the GFX card and what games are you trying to run?
  11. wite

    Windows Freezing at Startup

    I think I know why it happened.. All night last night my brother was playing PS3 in my room. The PS3 was sitting in front of my laptop, which was on whilst I sleep. The PS3 generates heat as hot as a heater from the back, which probably sent the laptop into high degrees over the course of the...
  12. wite

    Windows Freezing at Startup

    Yes it is my problem, and how did you fix it the second time? Plus, how could I delete system32 without being able to log in? lool.
  13. wite

    Windows Freezing at Startup

    Lets hope this works.. If it does, i'll hug you! no homo.
  14. wite

    Windows Freezing at Startup

    If I start in "Secure Mode" will I be able to back up all my files on disk before re-installing Windows or even installing Linux?
  15. wite

    Windows Freezing at Startup

    I am not really sure what I have downloaded recently.. but I probably have downloaded something :( How do I get into "Secure Mode"? Oh, and I can't format my disk for these reasons: Haven't got a Windows disk (Laptop came with Windows already installed). Got passwords for things such as...
  16. wite

    Windows Freezing at Startup

    Hai, So, on my main laptop, it freezes on the Windows screen with the little animation on startup. When I try to do a startup recovery the screen just goes black and stays black. It happened since the last time I turned my PC off (yesterday), and until I fix this my laptop is useless. Any...
  17. wite

    R.I.P Josh's PSU

    Ohh, just under the bridge of poo jabbing? I know that place.
  18. wite

    Hiaa. Anyone up for making me a logo?

    Sure, on it as soon as I can!
  19. wite

    Hiaa. Anyone up for making me a logo?

    The background is transparent - If you want a shadow effect under the flaps of the banner, use the "Burn Tool" in Photoshop (assuming you have Photoshop - probs not.. :))